Comments for The Floridian Florida Politics News Source Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:34:36 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on FL Senate signs off on year-round daylight-saving time by REB Wed, 07 Mar 2018 20:31:09 +0000 Thanks, great move! Everyone can enjoy more daylight after work and school. Should be good for economy too!

Comment on Florida Sheriff's Association asks for Money by Pat Wed, 07 Mar 2018 18:44:52 +0000 The Broward County Sheriff’s Department failed to protect the students under their watch. Money will not solve this problem. Common sense will.
1. Change liberal education policies which restrict the natural aggressive tendency of boys and treat them at a lesser rate than young girls, thus building up a huge need to vent aggression at a later date.
2.Settle playground spats with boxing gloves rather than school suspensions. Let the young men release tensions , rather than building them.
3.Bring back State Mental Institutions and place those who would do harm to themselves and others within the walls.
4.Institute government tax policies which make it much, much more desirable for the father to remain in the home.
5.Have the local board of education request ex-military volunteers who have their own weapons and concealed carry permits, to train and protect our children at little or no cost to taxpayers.

Comment on FL Senate signs off on year-round daylight-saving time by G A Ligt Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:58:50 +0000 So kids will be going to school in the dark.
Moreover, Florida businesses will be one hour out of sync with neighboring states.

Comment on Why are animal rights activists freaking out about new pet store regulations? by MCovault Wed, 07 Mar 2018 00:10:31 +0000 The true reason why the animal rights activists are screaming is that to them, ANY breeder is a PM, and they can go city by city and flimflam the gullible political animals into passing “feel good” legislation that is not truly animal welfare, but intended to eliminate pet breeding altogether. The H$U$ has tried on a federal level, unsuccessfully so far, and even on a state level, mostly unsuccessfully so far, so they are working on local entities that often are not aware of how anti-breeding these “animal rights”-led organizations are.

The AR “true believers” have an endgame of eliminating ALL pet breeding over time, but they recognize that it has to be done incrementally, and they use Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ tactics, which include marginalizing and demonizing the target group (in this case, pet breeders) in order to turn society against them.

This older article in “Psychology Today” spells out the animal rights agenda steps:

Comment on Republicans Break With GOP on Gun Vote by Nicholas Thu, 01 Mar 2018 20:29:28 +0000 Where is my comment? In offered great facts and information. Why didn’t you post it?

Comment on Sen. Brandes' criminal justice bill could end the bail bonds business by M Martin Thu, 01 Mar 2018 18:20:01 +0000 Why are we going after an industry that is heavily regulated by the Department of Financial services and requires almost two years of licensing and training to save the taxpayers in Florida? Sounds bizarre coming from what is supposed to be a conservative politician.

Comment on Sen. Brandes' criminal justice bill could end the bail bonds business by M Martin Thu, 01 Mar 2018 18:18:15 +0000 In reply to Ken Berke.

Wow a reply with actual data that I just verified and is all true. Amazing what is pushed out to the masses and remains unverified and decisions based on emotions.

Comment on Sen. Brandes' criminal justice bill could end the bail bonds business by M Martin Thu, 01 Mar 2018 18:17:19 +0000 In reply to Ernie V.

No true. There isn’t a bail bond agent alive that would not work with their clients who do not the full amount of the money up front. Bail agents issues payment plans all of the time.

Comment on Republicans Break With GOP on Gun Vote by Nicholas Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:39:45 +0000 We should review the system in place before adding more oversight to it. The issue is clear, see something-say something, do something FAILED US AGAIN. Whether it is a family member, such as the spouse of the Pulse nightclub shooter, a significant other, such as the girlfriend of the Vegas shooter, or the Sheriff and FBI failing to act when informed, such as with the Parkland school shooting, warnings were seen, but never acted on. It is not just firearms that kill, it is anything a mad person to use at time of their anger. I believe metal heath should be reviewed in the process, but be mindful that mentally handicap people are allowed to have licenses and drive motor vehicles. So be careful not to infringe on rights (2A) while you allow privileges (drivers license) to to same groups. It is easy to blame firearms, when the real issues of is problematic and deadly in our society are not under scrutiny. Legal Marijuana has raises vehicle accidents 15% per CDC 2016 report. Discuss how THC and CBD should be regulated, that is a meaningful conversation. Access to mental health is restricted as specialty on most insurance plans. Creating easy of access to these much needed treatments, that is a meaningful conversation. Getting to root of why the imbalance of emotions, feelings, and actions is greater today than vs twenty years ago, that is a meaningful conversation. Again, the road less traveled will get us to a reasonable solution. Don’t remove rights in the process to appease the minority issue.

Comment on Brandis defends his "catch and release" senate criminal justice bills by Jason Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:04:55 +0000 In reply to Ken Berke.

Where is the cost reduction?

Comment on Brandis defends his "catch and release" senate criminal justice bills by Dennis Schmidt Thu, 01 Mar 2018 13:26:23 +0000 To release people committing crimes on civil infractions is pure crazy. There is no deterrent or repercussions for committing crime. This bill will place the public in serious jeopardy. This needs to be stopped.

Comment on Brandis defends his "catch and release" senate criminal justice bills by Lawrence G Reinfeld Thu, 01 Mar 2018 06:32:47 +0000 The big facts that all these politicians leave out is that the bail bond business and it is a business is an integral and taxpayer free service to the public

Comment on Rick Scott Attacked By Giffords Gun Control Group by Jane doe Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:21:29 +0000 In reply to sbrengard.

Her concerns are of interest to all of us. We are all in this together as Americans. We must put people before profits and the NRA has not place buying our politicians. No public venue in the USA is safe. You are small minded and your comment is shameful! You Sbrengard or loved ones could be next. Think again!

Comment on Brandis defends his "catch and release" senate criminal justice bills by Jason Paige Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:11:31 +0000 Why does Brandes care more about the people breaking the laws then the people he swore to protect? Why is he in such a rush to push this misguided legislation through without listening to public comment? When a decorated Iraq Veteran stands up and reads off the names and “VIOLENT” offenses of people who have been released through these catch and release programs don’t you think Brandes would listen? Why not? Open your eyes Floridians. You have no idea what this legislation is opening the door to. From New Jersey to California, the bail reform movement has had negative impact after negative impact on public safety in local communities. Just this week, two brothers were released for FREE without a bail bond on child pornography charges…and we aren’t talking a couple pics on a computer…we are talking Terabytes. These guys just walked out on a promise to appear in court. How do you think that will end up? How safe would you feel knowing that these guys were loose in your neighborhood with no supervision. WAKE UP Floridians. Criminals and people that break the law are not victims. It is time to stop promoting soft on crime, criminal get out of jail free programs the leave the rest of us in harm’s way. Hopefully the House will have the courage and wisdom to kill the unsafe legislation.

Comment on Brandis defends his "catch and release" senate criminal justice bills by Ken Berke Wed, 28 Feb 2018 21:52:43 +0000 Any laws or programs that reduce crime and cost with no public safety issues is good for citizens.
Compelling testimony, using facts, was provided to legislators by an Iraq military veteran, who is now attending Stetson Law School, to exclude any violent or sexual offenses from “prearrest diversion” programs. Unfortunately, legislators would not amend the bill to remove violent or sexual offenses. If this bill passes, a person who committed a violent or sexual offense and completed a prearrest program, will pass a background check when purchasing a weapon since there is no arrest. Prearrest may be good policy (time will tell) for first time, minor, non-violent offenses. Is a violent or sexual act good policy?
Why would legislators (some who agreed the bill has flaws) still move forward without amending this bill?

Comment on Rep. Mast calls for AR-15 gun ban by Mike Wed, 28 Feb 2018 20:55:43 +0000 Being a military vet myself, I am disappointed that Mr. Mast does not understand the difference between an AR-15 (semiautomatic) and the M-14 (full automatic) that he carried in Afghanistan. This leads me to doubt his ability to discuss, much less introduce cogent bills in the legislature about any type of gun control. I would say he is actually a RINO.

Comment on Rep. Mast calls for AR-15 gun ban by Flo Mon, 26 Feb 2018 21:05:01 +0000 I think Mr Mast is barking up the wrong tree.

Comment on Scott calls for cop in every school, new age limit for gun buys by Mike Mon, 26 Feb 2018 15:42:19 +0000 Just my humble opinion, but I believe Gov. Scott is thinking about his campaign for US Senate this Fall and is groveling in front of the Teacher’s Union calling for no arming of the teachers. Most of the teachers I know have an unhealthy fear of guns, and they are a LARGE voting block here in Florida.
I also believe the legislature will not pass an age limit for rifle purchase, since 18 year old’s can vote. If they are not mature enogh to own a rifle, then they are not mature enough to be knowledgeable voters.
