For Many Republicans, Donald Trump is Still Their Choice for President

For Many Republicans, Donald Trump is Still Their Choice for President

Christian Pitten
Christian Pitten
December 22, 2023

President Donald Trump (R) continues to soar in all of the state and national public opinion polls as the country inches toward the upcoming Iowa Caucuses and the First in the Nation primary elections.

Despite his impending lawsuits and battles to stay on the ballot, Republican voters continue to prefer President Trump over his Republican challengers.

The most recent Yahoo News poll has the former president polling at 56 percentage points. This puts Trump ahead of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) by 41 points and Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) by 46 points, respectively.

Almost every national poll seems to have one common denominator – Trump in the lead anywhere from 30 to 50 percentage points. The latest Fox Business poll has Trump ahead of the pack by 34 points, while the latest Quinnipiac poll has the former president sitting at a comfortable 56-point lead. 

Another recent poll conducted by Saint Anselm College has a more closely contested contest. According to the poll, Trump is ahead of Ambassador Haley by only 14 points.

With the Iowa Caucuses less than a month away, officially kicking off the 2024 presidential election cycle, Trump continues to hold a strong lead in the Hawkeye state. Trump’s Real Clear Politics (RCP) average polls lead has him sitting at a commanding 32.7 percentage points.

2024 GOP Presidential Primary

Similarly to Iowa, the state of New Hampshire holds a critical role in choosing the candidate-elect as they will hold the first traditional primary in the country on January 23, 2024. Trump currently has an RCP average lead of 21.5 percentage points.

Historically, the New Hampshire primary has often predicted who the candidate-elect will be. Since 1976, every Republican candidate who has won New Hampshire’s primary has gone on to win the party’s nomination except for two (Pat Buchanan and John McCain).

With the New Year forthcoming, a 2024 presidential year awaits us. While the current polls preview a future Trump nomination bid, the American people will soon get their say, as all eyes turn to Iowa and New Hampshire. The Iowa Caucus will take place on January 15, 2024.

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Christian Pitten

Christian Pitten

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