Daniel Molina - The Floridian & Florida Politics News Source https://floridianpress.com/author/daniel-molina/ Florida Politics News Source Fri, 05 Jan 2024 12:42:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://floridianpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cropped-android-chrome-512x512-1-32x32.png Daniel Molina - The Floridian & Florida Politics News Source https://floridianpress.com/author/daniel-molina/ 32 32 DeSantis Calls out 'Phony' Haley https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/desantis-calls-out-phony-haley/ Fri, 05 Jan 2024 12:42:59 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62925 Governor Ron DeSantisGovernor DeSantis discounted Ambassador Haley’s presidential candidacy because she’s “phony.”

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) continues to unload on Ambassador Nikki Haley (R). During a joint interview with the Des Moines Register and NBC News, Governor DeSantis discounted Ambassador Haley’s presidential candidacy because she’s “phony.”

With the Iowa caucus looming nearer and nearer, the presidential candidates are making their final pitches to Iowans. President Donald Trump (R) is leading the pack of candidates by a wide margin, and this has pitted Governor DeSantis and Ambassador Haley for the second spot.

During the joint interview, Governor DeSantis commented on Ambassador Haley’s campaign, and when he was asked if it would be beneficial for him and Ambassador Haley to team up in a ticket to defeat President Trump, Governor DeSantis immediately turned the idea down.

“I don’t think that that would be something that would be viable,” he said.

Calling her “phony” and someone who “doesn’t have a core set of convictions,” Governor DeSantis further assessed that Ambassador Haley is “trying to be relatable.”

Echoing his remarks earlier this week that she was not ready for “prime time,” Governor DeSantis expressed that “she’s not good offscript,” citing what happened “in New Hampshire a week ago.”  The incident he was referring to saw Ambassador Haley being asked to explain the reason behind the Civil War and not mentioning slavery. This quickly received blowback, and she rescinded her comments.

Ambassador Haley now finds herself in more controversy after saying in New Hampshire that “Iowa starts it, but New Hampshire corrects it.”

During an interview with Dana Loesch, Governor DeSantis slammed Ambassador Haley’s comments, saying that “it was very disrespectful to Iowa voters.” He went on to explain that she made the comment because she doesn’t have much support in the state.

Sharing a segment of the interview on social media, the Florida Governor expressed that Ambassador Haley “thinks she is above hardworking Iowans.”

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DeSantis Advertisement Dubs Haley ‘the new John Kerry’ https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/desantis-advertisement-dubs-haley-the-new-john-kerry/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:01:29 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62905 Governor Ron DeSantisRon DeSantis (R) has released a new advertisement, dubbing Ambassador Nikki Haley (R)“the new John Kerry.”

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has released a new advertisement, dubbing Ambassador Nikki Haley (R)“the new John Kerry.” The advertisement shows footage of Ambassador Haley transmitting conflicting messaging regarding President Donald Trump (R).

Governor DeSantis and Ambassador Haley are both trailing President Trump in Republican polling. However, both are also the only Republicans that will take the stage and debate on January 10th in the final Republican primary debate before the Iowa caucus.

Both have ramped up their criticism against each other, but a new advertisement from the DeSantis campaign paints the former governor of South Carolina as a “flip flopper.” The comment came from a nine-year-old who also called Ambassador Haley “the new John Kerry” after her recent Civil War flub. Governor DeSantis also commented on the controversy, suggesting that she isn’t “ready for prime time.”

In the advertisement, footage of Ambassador Haley admitting that she “would not run if President Trump ran” is shown contrasted with her campaign advertisement, announcing her presidential candidacy.

The advertisement also shows footage of Ambassador Haley commenting that she considers President Trump “a friend” contrasted with a statement wherein she criticizes President Trump and says that he has no future in the Republican party.

As reported by POLITICO, Ambassador Haley expressed “I don’t think he’s going to be in the picture. I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far. We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him.”

The rivalry between President Trump and Ambassador Haley has been clear with President Trump dubbing her “bird brain.” In recent weeks, Ambassador Haley has surged in the polls, gaining significant conservative endorsements while sparring with Governor DeSantis over second place in the polls.

In sharing the advertisement, the DeSantis campaign captioned the video with “this is what it looks like to have no core convictions.”

Earlier this week, Governor DeSantis accused Ambassador Haley of “running on her donors’ issues”instead of running to address the needs of Americans.

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Eskamani Questions January 6th GOP Celebration https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/eskamani-questions-january-6th-gop-celebration/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:00:27 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62903 anna eskamaniAnna V. Eskamani (D) is now calling an alleged celebration of January 6th a “joke,” questioning why Republicans would celebrate such a thing.

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The beginning of 2024 comes with a lot of political baggage. The Iowa caucus is looming closer, and Americans have officially entered the election year. Before that however comes January 6th. Florida Rep. Anna V. Eskamani (D) is now calling an alleged celebration of January 6th a “joke,” questioning why Republicans would celebrate such a thing.

While Republicans question the legitimacy of the insurrection and Democrats argue that President Donald Trump (R) should not be allowed to run because of it, the date has forever changed the political landscape.

In response, Rep. Eskamani took to social media to share a text message allegedly sent the Republican Party of Osceola County, celebrating the “3rd Anniversary of Jan 6.”

The event, taking place at WestgateResorts, will host Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R), called “a prominent MAGA leader” who is also “a staunch advocate for American priorities over foreign interests and special lobbying.”

Responding to the event, Rep. Eskamani questions why Republicans would celebrate January 6th while also inviting Rep. Greene to speak at the event.

“Just another day in Florida where the local Republican Party in Osceola County is hosting an ‘anniversary’ event to mark January 6th and Marjorie Taylor Green is the ‘special’ guest,” Eskamani wrote on social media, adding that she “was really hoping this was a joke.” Rep. Eskamani shared a photo of the event information, showing that tickets range between $45 and $1,000.

Attendees will allegedly receive a copy of Rep. Green’s book called “MTG,” and other speakers are expected to be announced soon.

President Trump has faced legal pushback, threatening his name being pulled from ballots across the country. The state of Maine has already announced that his name will not appear on the ballot, and though other states have flirted with the possibility of pulling his name, Maine remains the only state to move forward with the decision. Colorado had previously pulled his name before announcing that he would be reinstated.

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DeSantis Says He'll 'Turn the Country Around' as President https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/desantis-says-hell-get-the-job-done-as-president/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 21:06:12 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62867 Governor Ron DeSantisGovernor DeSantis took part in a townhall, directing political jabs at his opponents while affirming that he will "turn the country around" as president.

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) and Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) will square off in the final Republican primary debate ahead of the Iowa caucus. Before taking the debate stage later this month, Governor DeSantis took part in a town hall, directing political jabs at his opponents while affirming that he will "turn the country around" as president.

President Donald Trump (R) will not be joining Governor DeSantis and Ambassador Haley on the debate stage as he has scheduled a town hall hosted by Fox News at the same time as the debate. However, this isn’t deterring Governor DeSantis from making it clear that President Trump isn't fit to be in the White House again.

“Donald Trump is running on his issues. Nikki Haley is running on her donors’ issues. I’m running to address your issues, your family’s issues, and to turn the country around,” He responded, adding that he sees himself as a “vessel for your hopes, dreams, and aspirations."

For him to do that, Governor DeSantis says that he needs “a congress that’s gonna work with me,” adding that he will do everything in his power to make sure that Republicans get elected. Moreover, the Florida Governor says that “this is a time for putting your money where you mouth is” when it comes to Republicans in office. He lamented that Republicans “haven’t really delivered” when it comes to being fiscally responsible, and he believes that he is the most qualified person that can deliver on that promise.

Governor DeSantis also highlighted other concerns that his presidency would address, which includes “structural reform in Washington, D.C.,” “term limits for members of Congress,” “a Balanced Budget Amendment,” and giving “the president line-item veto.”

In recent weeks, Ambassador Haley’s support has grown in the United States, but President Trump remains the clear front runner as well as polling higher than President Joe Biden (D).

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Mills Warns of Geopolitical Alliance Threatening the U.S. https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/mills-warns-of-geopolitical-alliance-threatening-the-u-s/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:00:31 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62869 Rep. Cory MIlls/ CongressFlorida Rep. Cory Mills (R) is sounding the alarm on a geopolitical alliance between China, North Korea, and Russia.

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Florida Rep. Cory Mills (R) is sounding the alarm on a geopolitical alliance between China, North Korea, and Russia. Rep. Mills is warning that the United States must remain vigilante because the alliance is looking to threaten the U.S. through "three fronts: economic, supply chain, and military."

During an interview with Fox News, Rep. Mills discussed political tension that the United States faces. In discussing the concerns, Rep. Mills commented on the threat that the nations face, warning that the U.S. must do more to counter their efforts.

Sharing a segment of the interview on social media, Rep. Mills continued the discussion in the caption, writing that the U.S. needs to take control of its own supply chain. Moreover, “build America’s economy and industrial base capabilities, and get energy security.”

“The series of confrontations we’re seeing in the Middle East are not isolated incidents, and they go far beyond just a military element,” Rep. Mills explained, adding that “the geopolitical alignment of these four nations aims to target the United States on three fronts: economic, supply chain, and military.”

He went on to explain the strategy that China is adopting to threaten the U.S., commenting that “China is strategically using Iran and their supported militias – Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis – to disrupt commerce and target US shipping lanes while trying to drag us into kinetic warfare.” “These recent attempts to control the Red Sea shipping corridor, a key trade route that accounts for 12% of global trade, aim to cut off the Western Hemisphere’s supply chain,” Rep. Mills added.

Relations between the U.S. and China have grown more tense, and it has only been exacerbated with the Chinese Leader Xi Jinping’s recent year-end address wherein he vowed that “All Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

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Ziegler Being Investigated for Violating Video Voyeurism Laws https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/ziegler-being-investigated-for-violating-video-voyeurism-laws/ Wed, 03 Jan 2024 11:04:10 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62857 Christian ZieglerFlorida Republican Party Chairman Christian Ziegler’s legal troubles have worsened as he is now being investigated for possibly violating video voyeurism laws.

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Florida Republican Party Chairman Christian Ziegler’s legal troubles have worsened as he is now being investigated for possibly violating video voyeurism laws. Chairman Ziegler has faced mounting pressure to resign from his office after being accused of rape last year.

According to a new search warrant affidavit, a judge last month issued a search warrant for Chairman Ziegler’s Instagram account to find probable cause that he violated Florida’s voyeurism law, which is a felony offense punishable by up to five years in prison.

Next week in Tallahassee, Chairman Ziegler faces removal as chairman of Florida’s Republican Party. He maintains his innocence and has not been criminally charged.

Ziegler’s accuser told police that she did not consent to being filmed during the alleged sexual encounter on October 2nd, which is the encounter at the center of the investigation.

During an interview with Sarasota police Chairman Ziegler showed investigators a two-and-a-half-minute video of the sexual encounter, noting that it was consensual.

“The victim did not give Ziegler consent to take this video of them having sex,” the affidavit reads.

“Neither… Ziegler’s wife or the victim knew anything about this video that had been taken of the sexual encounter on 10/02/23, and neither had seen the video of this encounter.”

Chairman Ziegler’s salary has been significantly reduced, and he maintains his innocence, arguing that he would be exonerated. In December, Florida Republicans voted to censure him.

His wife, Bridget Ziegler, is the co-founder of Mom For Liberty, a conservative parental rights group. Similar to Chairman Ziegler, Bridget Ziegler has maintained her innocence amidst the mounting legal woes while also assuring that she will not step down from her position in Florida’s School Board.

In early December, the Florida school board recommended ousting Bridget Ziegler, and the Sarasota County School Board voted 4-1 for a resolution requesting that she step down.

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Trump Planning to Aggressively Campaign in Democrat Stronghold https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/trump-planning-to-aggressively-campaign-in-democrat-stronghold/ Tue, 02 Jan 2024 21:00:49 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62849 trump bidenPresident Donald Trump (R) is looking to aggressively compete in Democrat strongholds like New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico.

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President Donald Trump (R) is looking to aggressively compete in Democrat strongholds like New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico. President Trump is leading his Republican challengers by a wide margin, and with two weeks to go until the Iowa caucus, he is confident that he will emerge as the 2024 Republican nominee when the smoke clears.

With efforts to remove him from ballots, President Trump does not appear to show signs of worry. In fact, he is doubling down by affirming that his campaign will launch more aggressive efforts of campaigning in stats that Republicans have not historically won in.  President Trump noted that he wants to do rallies in said states, and he event floated the idea of renting out Madison Square Garden to host a rally for supporters.

President Trump commented this week that “one of the other things I’m going to do – and I may be foolish in doing it – is I’m going to make a heavy play for New York, heavy play for New Jersey, heavy play for Virginia, heavy play for New Mexico, and a heavy play for a state that hasn’t been won in years, Minnesota.”

“I’m going to do rallies, I’m going to do speeches, I’m going to work them. That doesn’t mean I’m going to work them as hard as I work Pennsylvania, where I’m doing very well,” President Trump continued.

Calling President Joe Biden (D) “Mr. Scranton,” President Trump said he feels confident that President Biden won’t beat him in this Keystone State in 2024.

National Polls show that President Trump has overtaken President Biden, and the lead appears to be growing. However, President Trump is facing the threat of being removed from ballots across the country. Maine has already decided to remove him, and though calls were growing in California for him to be removed, the decision has been made to keep him.

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Trump Slams Biden on Time Spent Vacationing https://floridianpress.com/2024/01/trump-slams-biden-on-time-spent-vacationing/ Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:26:07 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62822 Donald TrumpNot only does President Trump argue that his own time in office was more effective, but he also believes that President Biden has wasted too much time vacationing.

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President Donald Trump (R) continues to compare his record to President Joe Biden’s (D) efforts in office. Not only does President Trump argue that his own time in office was more effective, but he also believes that President Biden has wasted too much time vacationing.

According to the New York Post, President Biden has spent 37% of 2023 at a getaway spot. This, the New York Post, equates to more than a third of the year being spent away from his duties as president. During this time, President Biden was either at one of his Delaware residences, a vacation site, or at Camp David.

In an interview with Breitbart News, President Trump commented on the time that President Biden has spent on vacation, saying that the president has spent too much time on vacation while refusing to work for the American people.

One issue that President Trump has been vocal about is illegal immigration. In his comments, President Trump argued that President Biden should have gone to the beach and let his policies stand instead of removing them upon entering office.

When asked to comment about President Biden making his way to the U.S. Virgin Islands, President Trump compared their time spent on vacation. In providing the comparison, President Trump argued that when he himself went on vacation, he was still working.

“I have to say, when I take vacations I’m always working,” he said.

“This is really the Southern White House. I have meetings left, right, and all day. Even if I’m playing golf, I’m always playing golf with somebody who is it important like heads of countries, senators, et cetera. But it’s all work,” President Trump continued.

“The Southern White House” that President Trump referred to is Mar-a-Lago.

In recent weeks, national polling shows that President Trump has overtaken President Biden in numerous categories including younger voters. However, President Trump is also facing political troubles as Maine has announced that President Trump will be removed from the state’s ballot.

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Mills Warns Biden’s Foreign Policy Dangerous for U.S. https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/mills-warns-bidens-foreign-policy-dangerous-for-u-s/ Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:00:37 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62791 Cory MillsChris Mills (R)  discussed President Joe Biden’s (R) foreign policy, pointing out that the United States finds itself in grave danger.

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Foreign policy has quickly become an important staple of the 2024 election, and it’s significantly affecting the Biden administration. During an interview on Fox News, Florida Rep. Cory Mills (R)  discussed President Joe Biden’s (R) foreign policy, pointing out that the United States finds itself in grave danger.

According to a new New York Times/Siena College poll, 72% of registered voters ages 18-29 disapprove of the way President Biden has handled the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Rep. Mills, in his assessment of President Biden’s foreign policy, argued that the conflict is one of several threats that the U.S. currently faces, adding that the United States should quickly return to the foreign policy that President Donald Trump (R) oversaw.

Sharing a segment of his interview on social media, Rep. Mills captioned the video with additional information, writing that “Obama/Biden’s own Secretary of Defense stated that Joe Biden has been wrong on EVERY foreign policy issue.” He likened President Biden’s approach to President Barack Obama’s (D) approach, noting “that this current admin consistently leads from behind.”

“The acts of aggression we’re seeing with Hamas in Israel, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in the Red Sea, and Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq, is ultimately war by Iran, and the U.S. is the big fish,” Rep. Mills explained, adding that the Biden administration “has emboldened our adversaries through weakness, and America’s position on the work stage is taking a hit. We’ve got to bring back Trump foreign policies and a peace through strength mindset.”

President Trump now leads President Biden in national polls, and President Biden is also the clear frontrunner in the Republican primary.

Rep. Mills specifically pointed out China as a grave threat, detailing that “China is using Iran as a proxy. They are utilizing Russia and Ukraine as a proxy,” noting that China is “trying to drain us down economically.”

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DeSantis Feels Haley Isn’t ‘Ready for Prime Time’ https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/desantis-feels-haley-isnt-ready-for-prime-time/ Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:15:40 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62793 Governor Ron DeSantisFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has responded to the campaign snafu, citing it as an example that Ambassador Haley isn’t “ready for prime time.”

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Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) is facing scrutiny over her response to being asked the cause of the Civil War. After initially omitting slavery from her response, the presidential hopeful has since rescinded her statement, clarifying that slavery was the cause. However, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has responded to the campaign snafu, citing it as an example that Ambassador Haley isn’t “ready for prime time.”

During a New Hampshire town hall, Ambassador Haley was asked to comment on the cause of the Civil War.

In her response, she said that “the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run – the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”

Given the negative reaction to the response, Ambassador Haley has since clarified her answer, adding that “Biden and the Democrats keep sending Democrat plants to do things like this to get the media to react.”

Governor DeSantis, while speaking to reporters, commented on the incident, questioning the accusation that the attendee was a “Democrat plant.”

“I noticed Nikki Haley has had some problems with some basic America history,” said Govrnor DeSantis, adding that “she’s asked a very simple question and responded with just really incomprehensible word salad.”

“I just think that it shows this is not a candidate that is ready for prime time,” Governor DeSantis added, arguing that Ambassador Haley’s “gotten a pretty free ride from a lot of the corporate press.” However, “the minute that she faces any type of scrutiny, she tends to cave, and I think that that’s what you saw,” he answered.

Governor DeSantis went on to explain that it’s “not that difficult to identify and acknowledge the role that slavery played in the Civil War, and yet that seemed to be something that was very difficult.”

“I don’t even know what she was saying.”

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House Ethics Committee Investigating Cherfilus-McCormick https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/house-ethics-committee-investigating-cherfilus-mccormick/ Thu, 28 Dec 2023 20:55:40 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62754 Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormickFlorida Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D) is facing a House Ethics Committee investigation.

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Florida Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D) is facing a House Ethics Committee investigation. Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick has been accused of violating campaign finance laws and failing to submit the required disclosures while carrying out improper hiring practices.

The campaign finance complaint is related to Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick’s special election in 2022 and her reelection campaign in the same year.

According to a statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics, an Investigative Subcommittee will be established. “The Investigative Subcommittee shall have jurisdiction to determine whether Representative Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick violated the Code of Official Conduct or any law, rule, regulation, or other applicable standard of conduct in the performance of her duties or the discharge of her responsibilities, with respect to allegations that she may have violated campaign finance laws and regulations in connection with her 2022 special election and/or 2022 re-election campaigns; failed to properly disclose required information on statements required to be filed with the House; and/or accepted voluntary services for official work from an individual not employed in her congressional office.”

In response to the investigation, Rep. Cherfilus-McCormick’s spokesperson, Jonathan Levin, commented that “as the Ethics Committee said in its statement, the mere fact of establishing an investigative subcommittee does not itself indicate that any violation occurred.” “Regardless, the Congresswoman takes these matters seriously and is working to resolve them,” Levin continued.

The statement of the Chairman of the Committee on Ethics goes on to list the members of the committee, explaining that "the Honorable Andrew R. Garbarino will serve as the Chair of the Investigative Subcommittee, and the Honorable Chrissy Houlahan will serve as the Ranking Member.  The other two members of the Investigative Subcommittee are the Honorable Cliff Bentz and the Honorable Troy A. Carter."

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Trump Responds to Michigan Supreme Court Ruling https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/trump-responds-to-michigan-supreme-court-ruling/ Thu, 28 Dec 2023 19:00:39 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62751 TrumpPresident Donald Trump (R) has responded to Michigan’s Supreme Court ruling to allow him on the ballot.

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President Donald Trump (R) has responded to Michigan’s Supreme Court ruling to allow him on the ballot. The decision comes after Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled to bar President Trump from the ballot, which drew significant criticism from both sides of the aisle.

Michigan’s Supreme Court announced this week that it would be upholding a Michigan Court of Appeals ruling that rejected an appeal filed by the watchdog group Free Speech For People on behalf of a group of Michigan voters.

In a message to supporters, President Trump commented on the ruling, calling it a “victory on the ballot.”

“After Soros-funded Democrats got my name REMOVED from the ballot in Colorado, they immediately intensified their efforts to try and disqualify me across the country,” the message reads. President Trump explained that “the Michigan Supreme Court just dealt a massive blow to these Soros-funded Dark Money Democrats who are hellbent on rigging the 2024 election.”

The presidential hopeful called it a “powerful reminder” of the battle against “the radical Left,” but President Trump also assured that the fight is not over.

“Soros and his globalist donors will spend whatever it takes to cheat the system and BUY the White House for Crooked Joe in 2024,” President Trump said, warning that stronger efforts against his campaign will come.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) weighed in on the issue, warning California’s Supreme Court to not follow in the footsteps of Colorado’s Supreme Court.

Instead, Governor Newsom commented that “in California, we defeat candidates at the polls.” California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis (D) has endorsed the removal of President Trump from the ballot, but it appears that California will not be moving forward with the measure.

Legislation is currently being drafted to prevent President Joe Biden (D) from appearing on the ballots in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

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Michigan Rejects Booting Trump From 2024 Ballot https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/michigan-rejects-booting-trump-from-2024-ballot/ Wed, 27 Dec 2023 20:20:26 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62704 President Donald TrumpMichigan is the latest state to reject booting President Trump from the 2024 ballot.

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Colorado is quickly finding itself in isolation as other states are rejecting a 14th amendment challenge to President Donald Trump (R). Michigan is the latest state to reject booting President Trump from the 2024 ballot. This comes after California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) commented that President Trump should be defeated in the polls.

In response to the Colorado Supreme Court ruling to remove President Trump from the ballot, Governor Newsom released a statement, saying that “there is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy. But in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis (D) supports removing President Trump from the ballot.

This week, Michigan’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal that would bar President Trump from the 2024 ballot based on section 3 of the 14th amendment.

The decision upholds a Michigan’s Court of Appeals ruling earlier this month that also rejected an appeal filed by the watchdog group Free Speech For People on behalf of a group of Michigan voters.

The Republican response to Colorado's decision has been swift as Republican lawmakers have joined forces to draft a bill that would remove President Biden from the ballots in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia.

Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R), Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R), and Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R) are drafting the bill, and in a statement, they explained why they are pursuing the removal.

The lawmakers shared that “the absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office."

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China," they added.

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Mills Warns ‘Economy is not Better’ under Bidenomics https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/mills-warns-economy-is-not-better-under-bidenomics/ Wed, 27 Dec 2023 16:00:36 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62702 Rep. Cory MIlls/ CongressFlorida Rep. Chris Mills (R) denounced ‘Bidenomics’ this week, arguing that it has not made the economy better.

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Florida Rep. Cory Mills (R) denounced ‘Bidenomics’ this week, arguing that it has not made the economy better. With President Donald Trump (R) now polling higher than President Joe Biden (D), Rep. Mills notes that it’s because “we know the economy is not better.”

During an interview with Fox News, Rep. Mills discussed how Americans are feeling the economic repercussions of the Biden administration. His comments come after President Biden called on news sources to fix their reporting on the economy. Considering that Americans are making purchases for the holiday season, things like food have significantly increased, which Rep. Mills explains “have surged by 18% over two years.”

“We know that the price of gas is still extremely high when you think about what it was under the previous administration,” Rep. Mills said, commenting that this has led to the Biden administration sinking in the polls “with 39% approval rating in his overall job.”

In turn, Rep. Mills notes that Americans “know when they stick their hand in their pocket under the Biden administration, or Bidenomics, you have far less than what you had under the Trump administration.”

Sharing the interview segment on social media, Rep. Mills further argued that the Biden administration is trying to sell a “lie that the economy is good and reporting is bad.” However, “bad reporting isn’t the reason over a third of Americans considered skipping gifts altogether – it’s the reality of Bidenflation this holiday season” Rep. Mills argued.

Over the weekend, President Biden took part in an interview with reporters wherein he slammed reporters on the way they’re discussing the economy.

“Start reporting it the right way,” President Biden said when he was about his 2024 economy outlook.

According to a Monmouth University poll that was released last week, President Biden’s approval rating was 34%, and 70% of the respondents disapproved of his handling of inflation.

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Trump Reportedly Considering Haley as Vice President https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/trump-reportedly-considering-haley-as-vice-president/ Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:00:04 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62662 Donald TrumpDespite both engaging in a tense rivalry, it’s speculated that President Trump is considering Ambassador Nicki Haley (R) as his vice-president.

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The rumor mill is working overtime this holiday season as reports indicate that President Donald Trump (R)has a possible Vice-Presidential candidate in mind. Despite both engaging in a tense rivalry, it’s speculated that President Trump is considering Ambassador Nicki Haley (R) as his vice-president. The Republican primary is not over yet, and the choice has been a surprise for supporters of President Trump.

According to Politico and CBS News, insiders have notified them that President Trump is considering offering the Vice-Presidential position to Ambassador Haley.

President Trump has often referred to Ambassador Haley as “bird brain” on the campaign trailer, and the former Ambassador to the United Nations under President Trump has been critical of the former president.

This began when Ambassador Haley announced her candidacy earlier this year, arguing that presidential candidates should take a competency test. It was seen as an affront to both President Trump and President Joe Biden (D) given their ages.

Insiders have allegedly come forward to say that President Trump has asked his allies what they think of Ambassador Haley being his vice-president. However, the suggestion has been widely panned.

What further adds fuel to the fire is that Donald Trump Jr. was recently interviewed on Newsmax, and he commented that he would “go to great lengths to make sure” that a Trump-Haley ticket does not happen. Similarly, Tucker Carlson has expressed that he would “advocate against” a Trump-Haley ticket “as strongly as I could.”

Last week, while speaking at a conservative conference, Steven Bannon, President Trump’s former strategist, called Ambassador Haley “Lucifer,” adding that the Republican establishment would pressure President Trump to pick her.

Ambassador Haley has quickly risen up the ranks in the Republican primary, claiming second place in the race. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) was once viewed as an alternative to President Trump, but political pundits argue his campaign has not performed as effectively as it should have.

President Trump leads both in the primary polls by a wide margin.

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GOP Bill Bars Biden From Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania Ballots https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/gop-bill-bars-biden-from-arizona-georgia-and-pennsylvania-ballots/ Tue, 26 Dec 2023 14:07:19 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62660 joe bidenThree Republican lawmakers from the states have announced that they are drafting a bill to remove President Biden from the respective ballots.

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Republicans are now seeking to remove President Joe Biden (D) from ballots in Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. Three Republican lawmakers from the states have announced that they are drafting a bill to remove President Biden from the respective ballots.

The effort comes after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that President Donald Trump (R) would be removed from the Colorado Republican primary ballot. The decision received widespread panning from Republicans across the country, and it has also received criticism from members from across the aisle.

As California Democrats looked to follow suit, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) relayed a message to his fellow Democrats, saying that “there is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy, but in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

The three Republicans that are drafting the bill to remove President Biden from the ballots are Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R), Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R), and Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R).

In speaking to Breitbart News, the Republicans commented that they “are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.”

“The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office,” they explained.

Should President Biden be removed from the primary ballots, it would be difficult for President Biden to win the nomination as all three states are crucial in the election process.

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China,” the lawmakers added.

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Haley Catching up to Trump in New Hampshire Poll https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/haley-catching-up-to-trump-in-new-hampshire-poll/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 17:43:03 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62570 Nikki HaleyAmbassador Nikki Haley (R) has gained significant support according to the most recent New Hampshire poll.

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Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) has gained significant support according to the most recent New Hampshire poll. The once political friend turned rival to President Donald Trump (R) has made an effort to distance herself. According to a poll from Saint Anselm College, Ambassador Haley is now in second place in the first primary state.

Since September, Ambassador Haley has doubled her support in New Hampshire. Moreover, almost a third of Granite State voters that are likely to vote in New Hampshire’s Republican primary shared that Ambassador Haley was their preferred candidate. Despite this boost in support, President Trump still leads the rest of the Republican challengers in state-level and national polls.

In recent weeks, Ambassador Haley has received a number of coveted endorsements. The most recent endorsement came from New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu (R).

In his endorsement, Governor Sununu praised Ambassador Haley’s work, affirming that “America has an amazing opportunity to have a president that understands national policy but that connects with communities at a retail level.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) was once seen as the alternative to President Trump, but Governor DeSantis’ performance in the primary has received criticism from political pundits. Although Governor DeSantis has struggled to overtake President Trump in the polls, he’s still received endorsements from the likes of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R).

Andrew Romeo, Governor DeSantis’ campaign communications director, released a statement to USA today, commenting on Governor Sununu endorsing Ambassador Haley.

“What happens in New Hampshire will be significantly impacted by the outcome in Iowa where the true Trump alternative will emerge,” Romeo said. “And when Ron DeSantis comes out in that position he will be joined by over 60 New Hampshire state legislators who stand ready to take the fight to the establishment and their candidates of yesteryear to return power to grassroots conservatives,” he added.

In addition to leading his Republican challengers, President Trump is also leading President Joe Biden (D) in national polls.

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Rubio Calls on Americans to Stand up to Ivy League Schools https://floridianpress.com/2023/12/rubio-calls-on-americans-to-stand-up-to-ivy-league-schools/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:17:28 +0000 https://floridianpress.com/?p=62549 Marco RubioSenator Rubio blames cultural Marxism and calls on Americans to stand up to Ivy League schools.

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Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) has released an advertisement, condemning Ivy League school presidents over their controversial statements. The statements in question were provided during a congressional hearing on antisemitism earlier this month. In response to the statement, Senator Rubio blames cultural Marxism and calls on Americans to stand up to Ivy League schools.

The advertisement shows footage of the hearing wherein the Ivy League presidents were asked if calling for the genocide of Jewish people is against their school’s code of conduct.

The presidents involved in the hearing answered that it all depended on the “context.”

As well, the advertisement couples the footage from the hearing with segments of a speech given by Senator Rubio wherein he defines Marxism and highlights the dangers of the political ideology.

“Marxism is a power structure, and what Marxism basically is about is the following: we need to control people. People need to be controlled, and they need to be controlled by a handful of people that are smarter, better, or more moral in some ways because if you don’t control people, they’ll do things like be unequal to each other,” Senator Rubio explained.

He goes on to comment that “America was the one place on Earth where people, no matter where they started out, were able to go as far as their talent and their work will take them, and that honestly is the glue that has held us together as a nation. It is our binding common identity, and it’s the number one thing that this modern Marxism attacks.”

Senator Rubio captioned the video with “cultural Marxism broke the moral compass of elite education,” and the video calls on Americans to “stand up to the Ivys.”

The response from the Ivy League presidents drew widespread criticism, and it resulted in University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigning from her position.

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