You searched for Blinken · The Floridian Florida Politics News Source Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:00:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 You searched for Blinken · The Floridian 32 32 Mills Asks Biden "Shut Down the Border or Shut Down the Government" Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:00:01 +0000 Rep. Cory MillsUS Representative Cory Mills (R-Fl) expressed his commitment to either "shutdown the border or shutdown the government." Representative Mills' comments are representative of many Republican lawmakers' willingness to compel Democrats to compromise on immigration reform and tighter border enforcement. Mills outlined his legislative priority via X as passing "the 12 single-point Appropriation Bills with necessary […]

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US Representative Cory Mills (R-Fl) expressed his commitment to either "shutdown the border or shutdown the government."

Representative Mills' comments are representative of many Republican lawmakers' willingness to compel Democrats to compromise on immigration reform and tighter border enforcement.

Mills outlined his legislative priority via X as passing "the 12 single-point Appropriation Bills with necessary cuts, reforms, economic growth strategy, and either shut the border or Shutdown the government.”

Last November, conservative lawmakers leveraged government funding to encourage Democrats and President Joe Biden to acquiesce to Republican requests for decreased spending and immigration enforcement.

A government shutdown was averted due to ex-House of Representatives Speaker Kevin McCarthy's passage of a temporary spending bill.

With such bill's expiration date nearing, Republicans are once again signaling their commitment to immigration enforcement and fiscal policy includes entering a government shutdown if necessary.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken recently visited Mexico to discuss joint immigration enforcement measures with Mexican officials. A joint US-Mexico press release described the trip reinforced both countries' mission to "address the root causes of migration, such as poverty, inequality, and violence."

However, many Republicans have accused Biden of generating the migrant crisis at the Southwest border via loose immigration laws and the deliberate lack of enforcement of existing immigration laws.

US Representative Anna Paulina-Luna (R-Fl) recently criticized Biden's immigration policies while warning of a new migrant caravan traveling towards the US through central America.

Representative Luna claimed border enforcement legislation is urgently needed to adequately regulate immigration flows across America's borders.

"To hear that this is somehow a humanitarian thing, and we need to just blanket wave these people in. One, it is stupid, but also it is a political talking point. And let me be clear about something. We absolutely have the ability to stop this, and we should " explained Luna.

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Luna Warns of New Migrant Caravan, Says Stand-Alone Border Bill Needed Fri, 29 Dec 2023 22:17:25 +0000 Rep. Anna Paulina LunaA large caravan of migrants are working their way up to the southern border, suggested to be thousands strong. Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) posted a brief video on X (formerly Twitter) pointing out the timing of the caravan in the news cycle, how these events receive organized assistance, and that they are easily avoidable. […]

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A large caravan of migrants are working their way up to the southern border, suggested to be thousands strong. Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) posted a brief video on X (formerly Twitter) pointing out the timing of the caravan in the news cycle, how these events receive organized assistance, and that they are easily avoidable.

In addition, Rep. Luna said, "There needs to be a stand-alone border bill. Don't tie it to anything else."

The Hill described how the caravan began in Mexico, made up of migrants from across Central and South America and heading north from Tapachula, near the border with Guatemala. The Mexican government's slow-walking to process migrants has contributed to the caravan's creation as a means of protection.

Rep. Luna pointed out in her video that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) frequently organize these caravans, as authorities have "literally found documentation literature and for goodness' sakes, sometimes these people have cellphones that they are actually given in order to organize these massive marches to the US-Mexico border."

A follow-up post by Rep. Luna posted information about one such NGO, known as "Pueblo Sin Fronteras" ("People Without Borders"), who organized a previous caravan in 2018.

Furthermore, Luna pointed out that migrants have come from all over the world through the border, including a worryingly high number of people on the known terrorist watchlist, something she, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) have warned about before.

Others, Luna continued, have come from China, which Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) said are likely serving as spies for the Chinese Communist Party.

"So to hear that this is somehow a humanitarian thing, and we need to just blanket wave these people in. One, it is stupid, but also it is a political talking point. And let me be clear about something. We absolutely have the ability to stop this, and we should," Luna concluded.

Luna's video came after President Biden sent Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to Mexico in order to negotiate a solution to the crisis.

Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan derided the meeting as a useless gesture because House Republicans already passed the Secure the Border Act in May and have been demanding the Democrat-controlled Senate and White House pass it without trying to attach funding to Ukraine and other foreign aid.

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Donalds Warns 'Nothing Moving Through House Without HR2' Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:25:09 +0000 Rep. Byron DonaldsSecretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas recently traveled to Mexico, seeking help in stemming the massive tide of migrants crossing the southern border. In a recent appearance on Fox News's Hannity, Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan did not mince words when they said […]

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Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas recently traveled to Mexico, seeking help in stemming the massive tide of migrants crossing the southern border. In a recent appearance on Fox News's Hannity, Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan did not mince words when they said a plan was already in place: The Secure the Border Act (HR2) bill passed by the House in May, yet the Biden Administration and Senate do not want to pass it unless foreign aid is included.

"You have an administration, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and everybody else, they do not want to do the simple job of securing the border. And so now when you have a massive catastrophe which they created. Now they are going down to Mexico to see what can be done. The answer is simple: to follow the House Republicans' HR2. It is the plan," said Rep. Donalds, adding that any discussion of Ukraine can come later.

Substitute host Kayleigh McEnany pointed out that Senate Democrats seek to tie border security and foreign aid together, asking what House Republicans will accept.

Rep. Donalds answered that nothing short of HR2 as-is would be acceptable, as House Republicans would not "negotiate against ourselves for some ham-handed deal that gets negotiated in the Senate."

Additionally, Donalds scathingly called Senate negotiations "weak sauce not worth the paper that they are printed on" and do not affect any real change.

"HR2 is the starting point. The Senators can negotiate all they want, but nothing is moving through the House without HR2," Donalds concluded.

The Florida Congressman has been a ferocious critic of the Biden Administration's handling of the border crisis, suggesting in November that the Department of Homeland Security should be defunded if it will not secure the border.

More recently, his colleague Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) suggested the allowance of migrants into the country in such massive numbers is intentional, although Rep. Gimenez could not provide an answer as to why.

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Gaetz to Delta CEO: 'Why are You Flying Migrants from the Border?' Sat, 23 Dec 2023 23:10:15 +0000 Matt GaetzWith thousands of illegal migrants attempting to cross the border regularly, how are they relocated throughout the United States? Delta Airlines has been helping, and Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is seeking answers in a letter to Delta's CEO Ed Bastion on how long they have been doing it. Delta's involvement became known when conservative influencer […]

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With thousands of illegal migrants attempting to cross the border regularly, how are they relocated throughout the United States? Delta Airlines has been helping, and Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is seeking answers in a letter to Delta's CEO Ed Bastion on how long they have been doing it.

Delta's involvement became known when conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair recently posted a video claiming detained migrants were put on a plane from Phoenix to New York City. Not only was she on the same flight with them, but further suggested they still had bags from the detention center.

As a result, Rep. Gaetz's letter to Bastion demanded he answer how many migrants Delta has flown across the United States since January 2021 and how the tickets are paid for. Additionally, he asked if Delta has received any sort of government reimbursement for transporting migrants and if the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) has told them what is an acceptable form of ID for migrants to receive tickets.

St. Clair posted Rep. Gaetz's letter on X (formerly Twitter), mocking Delta by saying these questions "should be easy to answer."

Gaetz's letter comes hot on the heels of recent reports that 12,000 migrants crossed the Mexican border in a single day, shattering previous records. This prompted House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) to demand President Biden take executive action and secure the border as negotiations between the House, Senate, and White House continue to stall.

Additionally, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas are scheduled to visit Mexico and speak with President Andres Obrador on a solution to the migrant crisis.

However, Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) ominously suggested this is pointless in a recent appearance on Fox Business's Mornings with Maria. Not only are Blinken and Mayorkas incompetent, he argued, but Biden is intentionally allowing the border crisis to spiral out of control for some unknown reason.

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Gimenez Accuses Biden: 'Border Crisis is on Purpose' Sat, 23 Dec 2023 17:29:51 +0000 Carlos GimenezThe ongoing crisis at the southern border is not resolving itself. Instead, it may very well be escalating. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) recently demanded President Biden take executive action to curb the flow of illegal migrants, but nothing has occurred yet. Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) spoke about Johnson's demand for action in a recent appearance on Fox […]

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The ongoing crisis at the southern border is not resolving itself. Instead, it may very well be escalating. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) recently demanded President Biden take executive action to curb the flow of illegal migrants, but nothing has occurred yet. Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) spoke about Johnson's demand for action in a recent appearance on Fox Business's Mornings with Maria, where he suggested the Biden Administration is intentionally flooding the country with migrants for unknown reasons.

Host Maria Bartiromo pointed out that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas will be sent to Mexico soon to negotiate a solution to the crisis.

Rep. Gimenez replied such a meeting was unnecessary because "All they need to do is change their policies," as President Biden reversed all of former President Donald Trump's border policies almost immediately after assuming office, leading to the current predicament.

Bartiromo then asked if any substantive change would occur soon.

"What do I expect from Mayorkas and Blinken going down to Mexico?" Rep. Gimenez asked rhetorically, "Nothing because they have proven to be totally incompetent in both of their jobs."

Moreover, he further pointed out that Customs and Border Patrol have already said what needs doing, yet the Biden Administration has "chosen to ignore them."

"And I have said that for a long time: this is on purpose. This is not because they are incompetent. They want this to happen. You cannot be this dumb. We know what we need to do; they just refuse to do it," Gimenez continued, although he could not posit why.

Furthermore, Gimenez mentioned that Democratic officials such as Senators, Governors, and mayors are privately in agreement that the border must be secured, echoing a sentiment shared by Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) in a recent statement, where he said: "commonsense Democrats know this is a problem that has to be addressed."

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) was notably vocal earlier this year as the Big Apple was flooded with illegal migrants, saying that it would "destroy New York City" in September

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Rubio, Cruz Introduce Bill to Reauthorize Sanctions on Venezuela Fri, 01 Dec 2023 15:15:03 +0000 Sen. Marco RubioSenator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has introduced the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Reauthorization Act of 2023 in hopes of ensuring that the current sanctions against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his regime remain in place. The sanctions are set to expire on Dec. 21. In October, the Biden administration had struck a […]

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Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has introduced the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Reauthorization Act of 2023 in hopes of ensuring that the current sanctions against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his regime remain in place.

The sanctions are set to expire on Dec. 21.

In October, the Biden administration had struck a tripartite deal with President Maduro and the opposition Unitary party platform to lift some economic sanctions.

As reported by The Floridian, the deal includes the US granting a six-month general license temporarily authorizing Venezuelan energy sector transactions in exchange for fair elections.

However, Sen. Rubio – joined by his colleagues in the upper chamber – Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and Bill Hagerty (R-TN), believe that Maduro has not held up his end of the bargain. Therefore, they believe the sanction should resume.

Sen. Rubio stated, “Human rights sanctions remain a crucial tool to help Venezuelans who continue to suffer under Maduro’s criminal regime. We have a moral duty to ensure that this narco-regime is held accountable for its countless crimes and that sanctions remain in place.

Sen. Scott mentioned that the reauthorization of sanctions demonstrates that the U.S. is fighting for “a truly democratic” Venezuela.

“Time after time we’ve seen President Joe Biden appease murderous dictators like Maduro by lifting sanctions, allowing millions of dollars to fuel his dangerous regime and further destabilize the region,” said Sen. Scott. “The people of Venezuela made their choice by backing María Corina Machado as the legitimate opposition leader, and now the United States must use every opportunity it has to put the full support behind the voice for freedom, using every sanction within the power of our nation to hold Maduro accountable.”

Scott concluded, “I’m proud to join Senator Rubio in this bill to reauthorize sanctions that impose human rights sanctions on the Maduro regime and ensures the U.S. only supports those who are fighting for a truly democratic and free Venezuela.”

Sen. Cruz added that appeasement has only resulted in “more violent aggression” by the Maduro regime.

“Appeasement of the Maduro regime has only resulted in more violent aggression and repression by the regime. Now is exactly the wrong time to weaken American sanctions meant to hold the regime accountable,” said Sen. Cruz.

The bill would reauthorize the Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014.

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Rubio’s Armenian Protection Act Heads to the House After Passing in the Senate Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:45:34 +0000 Washington, D.C.- Senators Gary Peters’ (D-MI) and Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) bipartisan Armenian Protection Act has successfully passed in the Senate. Last September, Azerbaijan launched a military invasion into the Armenian-held  Nagorno-Karabakh ethnic enclave and seized control of the area.  Hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee and hundreds have been killed or injured.  The […]

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Washington, D.C.- Senators Gary Peters’ (D-MI) and Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) bipartisan Armenian Protection Act has successfully passed in the Senate.

Last September, Azerbaijan launched a military invasion into the Armenian-held  Nagorno-Karabakh ethnic enclave and seized control of the area. 

Hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee and hundreds have been killed or injured. 

The military offensive was preceded by a 9-month siege of Nagorno-Karabakh, which reportedly prevented the flow of medical supplies and food. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in February ordered Azerbaijan call-off its blockade, which Azerbaijan failed to do. 

A group of bipartisan Senators had penned a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Secretary of the Treasury Jannet Yellen requesting immediate sanctions on the Azerbaijan government. 

Absent action from the White House, the Armenian Protection Act would cut all US aid to Azerbaijan until blockades and offensive acts towards Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh region cease.

“U.S. taxpayer dollars should not be going towards Azerbaijan, a nation that has brought instability to the region,” said Senator Rubio in support of the bill’s passage. 


The Armenian Assembly of America, an advocacy group seeking to increase US-Armenia relations and bolster US support of Armenian public institutions, welcomed the bill’s passage. 

“We commend Senator Peters along with Senator Rubio for this bipartisan legislation,” stated Congressional Relations Director Mariam Khaloyan. “Passage of this Bill sends a strong message in the face of Azerbaijan’s genocidal policies against the Armenian people,” Khaloyan continued.

Earlier in November, Armenian Apostolic Church leaders met with Congressmembers in the House of Representatives to lobby for American support of Armenia 

Given the bi-partisan support for the Armenian Protection Act in the Senate, its speedy passage in the House is expected.

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Biden Administration Refers to Hamas as a 'Palestinian Armed Group Based in Gaza' not a Terrorist Group Sun, 19 Nov 2023 14:15:31 +0000 Hamas TerroristsThe U.S. Department of State is now referring to the Hamas terror group as simply a "Palestinian armed group based in the Gaza Strip" as being responsible for the killing of 1,400 Israelis, Americans, and other foreign nationals, and not a terrorist organization. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is an independent federal […]

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The U.S. Department of State is now referring to the Hamas terror group as simply a "Palestinian armed group based in the Gaza Strip" as being responsible for the killing of 1,400 Israelis, Americans, and other foreign nationals, and not a terrorist organization.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which is an independent federal agency that appears to work under  Secretary of State Antony Blinken, has posted on its official Instagram page that while Hamas attacked Israel, it was done so by a "Palestinian armed group based in Gaza" and appears to be blaming Israel for conducting "attacks on healthcare facilities and workers" that has fueled the humanitarian crisis created by the terrorist attack.

According to the U.S. Department of State, the Hamas terror was officially designated and recognized as a terrorist organization on October 8, 1997

USAID is the agency that "leads the U.S. Government's international development and disaster assistance."

Several thousand USAID workers signed a letter calling for a ceasefire to the Israeli bombings and ground incursion into Gaza. Progressive members of Congress have also been calling for a ceasefire, as have violent anti-Israel groups.

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Mills Says Biden 'Bought and Paid For' by Communist Chinese Government Tue, 14 Nov 2023 20:40:09 +0000 Rep. Cory MillsWASHINGTON—Ahead of China President Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco, California, The Floridian caught up with Representatives Cory Mills (R-FL) and Ronny Jackson (R-TX) ahead of the 2023 APEC meeting with President Biden. Neither congressman had high hopes for the President, with Rep. Mills saying he is "bought and paid for." Despite this, Rep. Mills […]

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WASHINGTON—Ahead of China President Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco, California, The Floridian caught up with Representatives Cory Mills (R-FL) and Ronny Jackson (R-TX) ahead of the 2023 APEC meeting with President Biden. Neither congressman had high hopes for the President, with Rep. Mills saying he is "bought and paid for."

Despite this, Rep. Mills said he at least understood why the Biden Administration is seeking "diplomatic efforts to see if they can ease tensions."

"We've got the Taiwan Strait issue, we've got the knowledge of [China] working with Russia, Iran, and North Korea and their political alignments," Mills continued, adding that the Chinese are "advancing BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)," which he said is "A really big thing people need to start paying more attention to."

Moreover, Mills compared the Biden Administration's attempts at diplomacy with China to those held with Venezuela, which he had previously spoken with The Floridian in October.

"It is like the discussion you and I had on whether or not we should sit at the table of Venezuela. Of course, we should, right? We have to make sure that we are, at least, in the game, or at least in the room, where we can actually understand what is happening and how to negotiate these relationships or these tensions," the Florida Congressman said.

Nevertheless, he contended that neither Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, or Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin were not the right people to negotiate "because they are all bought and paid for."

Rep. Jackson expressed a similar sentiment to The Floridian, saying the APEC meeting ultimately "doesn't matter."

"Xi Jinping thinks that Biden is just a joke, just like most other world leaders do. They have no respect for the man, and they have no respect for his administration," said Rep. Jackson, adding that other countries view the President as "weak" and "malleable."

As a result, Jackson continued, "They are all going to get everything they can out of him and out of our country while he is in office, and that is why we are where we are today."

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Moskowitz, Waltz Seek Terrorist Designation for Yemeni Houthis Thu, 09 Nov 2023 15:42:27 +0000 Jared MoskowitzJared Moskowitz and Mike Waltz are calling on the Biden administration to designate the Yemeni Houthis as an FTO.

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Florida Reps. Jared Moskowitz (D) and Mike Waltz (R) are calling on the Biden administration to designate the Yemeni Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO). The lawmakers directed a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, and the effort has received support from a bipartisan group of lawmakers.

The Houthis were delisted as a foreign terrorist organization, and since being delisted, the organization has continued to commit terrorist attacks.

Yahya Saree, the spokesman for the Yemeni Houthis, most recently announced that the organization has conducted three attacks on Israel since the war between Hamas and Israel began. Saree said that the Houthis have launched a “large number” of missiles and drones at Israel.

With the backing of 47 members of Congress, the lawmakers are now calling on Secretary Blinken to re-designate the Houthis as an FTO.

In the letter, the lawmakers explain that the Houthis were designated as an FTO on January 19, 2021. However, “this decision was subsequently reversed by the U.S. State Department on February 4, 2021, amidst the announcement of a new strategy towards Yemen.”

Rep. Michael Waltz
Rep. Michael Waltz

The Houthis still continued to engage in terrorist attacks, and with the Hamas attack on October 7th, “the Houthis has decisively intervened in Israel’s conflict on behalf of Hamas.”

“As this conflict between Israel and Hamas intensifies, the Administration must use every tool available to ensure that the utilization of U.S. military assets remains a last resort,” the lawmakers write, adding that designating the Houthis as an FTO would serve two purposes.

“First, it criminalizes providing materiel assistance and other supporting activities to the terrorist group. Second, it prevents individuals of the terrorist group from entering the United States through Section 1182 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

By designating the Houthis as an FTO, Moskowitz and Waltz hope that this will prevent them from acquiring weapons of war like missiles.

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Juice🍊—11.8.2023—FL Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Over Israel War—House Squad Member to Face Censure Vote—More... Wed, 08 Nov 2023 12:35:02 +0000 The FloridianHouse of Representatives to Vote to Censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib Anti-Israel lawmaker Rep. Rashida Tlaib was given a pass by House Republicans about two weeks ago, but no it appears as if Republicans will vote to censure her for her recent anti-Israel remarks.....READ MORE Florida Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Over War in Israel TALLAHASSEE, […]

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House of Representatives to Vote to Censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Anti-Israel lawmaker Rep. Rashida Tlaib was given a pass by House Republicans about two weeks ago, but no it appears as if Republicans will vote to censure her for her recent anti-Israel remarks.....READ MORE

Florida International University

Florida Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Over War in Israel

TALLAHASSEE, FL --- New bill discrepancies over Floridian support of Israel ended in tears. After Republican Rep. Randy Fine called Democratic Rep. Angie Nixon’s move for an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire a...READ MORE


Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost-Did you know that some servicemembers overseas aren't able to vote absentee b/c of a loophole in federal law? For example, servicemembers deployed overseas for training have trouble voting if they're not considered "active duty" status. My bill, the VOTES Act, would change that.

Jay Collins-Grateful for the Stars, Stripes & Smiles event at @PHSCedu, where dentists, hygienists, and volunteers from all over Florida come together to provide free dental care for our Veterans in need.

Lauren Book-BREAKING: Ohio voters have protected abortion rights in their state's constitution.

This is a major win in the fight for reproductive freedom! And when abortion is on the ballot in 2024, Florida voters will choose freedom,

Ron DeSantis-When I signed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, we ensured equal opportunities and an even playing field for women.

Yesterday, Florida won in court against those who sought to declare our protections for women unconstitutional. These common-sense measures will stay in place.



Rep. Jared Moskowitz
Rep. Jared Moskowitz

Florida Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Over War in Israel —By The Floridian's Liv Caputo—TALLAHASSEE, FL --- New bill discrepancies over Floridian support of Israel ended in tears. After Republican Rep. Randy Fine ...

Moskowitz's SHIP Act Passes House, Scott and Rubio Call for Passage in Senate—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Congressmen Jared Moskowitz’s (D-FL) and Mike Lawler’s (R-NY) bipartisan bill...

Mills Seeks to Adjust Afghanistan Special Inspector General Jurisdiction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- US Representative Cory Mills (R-Fl) filed a bill yesterday modifying...

Trump Spars with Civil Trial Judge—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Former President Donald Trump’s (R) civil fraud trial continues to make headlines...

Gaetz Flexes Single-Subject Spending Bill Win as His Amendment Passes House—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—With Representative Kevin McCarthy...

Frost Introduces Bill to Close Loopholes, Allowing All Overseas Servicemembers to Vote—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Haley's Attack Ad Against DeSantis Splits Oil Drilling Hairs—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—On the eve of the 3rd and pivotal Republican presidential primary debate in Miami...

FL Lawmakers Soto, Mucarsel-Powell Received Funds From Muslim Group that Failed to Condemn Hamas—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—As the war rages on in the Middle East after Hamas slaughtered over 1,000 Israelis...

florida capitol
florida capitol

Florida Legislator Wants Tougher Stance on China from State Department—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Governor Reynolds Officially Endorses DeSantis for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Faces Censure Resolution—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rubio Condemns Political Violence in Honduras—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Set to Endorse DeSantis for President—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Miami Beach Firefighters Head to Israel as First Responders—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Is DeSantis Legally on the Florida Presidential Primary Ballot?—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Miami Trump Voters Voice Support for DeSantis Ahead of GOP Debate—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Dignity Act Gains Significant Congressional Backing—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rashida Tlaib Releases Video in Support of Palestine, Includes Hamas Rallying Cry—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made headlines after she posted a video calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine...

Wasserman Schultz Condemns Tlaib's Support for Hamas Call to Arms Against Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As anti-Israel protestors continue to condemn the Israeli Defense Force’s military response to the October 7 terrorist attack that left 1,400 Israelis...

DeSantis on Discount at Florida GOP Summit—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Kissimmee—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave arguably his most moving, on-point...

Florida Dentist Arrested for Running a $1.5 Million Medicaid Fraud Scheme—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—There are two people who are probably not smiling today. Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the arrest of a Florida dentist and her husband, a co-owner of a dental practice.

Wasserman Schultz Reluctantly Votes for "Poisoned" Israel Bill, Castor Votes No—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Florida Democrats were split after the House of Representatives passed a funding package for Israel. Most lawmakers on the left side of the aisle like Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL)...

Gimenez Says Border Security Will Only Happen Under New President—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House of Representatives, under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), passed a stand-alone bill giving aid to Israel...

Wasserman Schultz, Diaz-Balart Condemn Bolivia, Colombia, Chile for Cutting Israel Ties—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Israel-Hamas war continues to polarize, not just in the United States but around the world. The South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia...

Florida Congressional Lawmakers React to Hamas' Pledge 'Annihilate' Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—A bipartisan effort within the U.S. Congress, particularly within Florida's congressional delegation...

Florida Democrats Split on Funding for Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Florida Capitol
Florida Capitol

Florida House to Consider Banning Driving on Certain Highway Lanes—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Tallahassee, Fl- Florida House Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R) is leading efforts to ban driving on the furthermost lanes of Florida highways.

DeSantis Takes Aim at Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Shield—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis said he would support changes to the liability shield vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed since 1986 if elected President.

DeSantis Law Enforcement Bonus Program Attracts Officers from All 50 States—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and the State of Florida announced that the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus...

Moskowitz, Mills Team Up to Crack Down on Captagon—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example...

Rick Scott's Bill Fails in Senate, Claims He and His Constituents 'Don't Trust This Process'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Dan Franzese Endorsed by Palm Beach County Republican Assembly—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Senator Scott Endorses Donald Trump for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) has endorsed President Donald Trump (R) for president. Growing support for the 45th president...

DeSantis 'Win, Fight, Lead' Ad Blitz Begins Today in Iowa—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Luna says $40k Check for Biden is 'Smoking Gun'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House Oversight Committee's impeachment inquiry into President Biden has found an explosive new piece of evidence:

Florida Lawmaker Randy Fine Files $35 Million Funding Bill for Jewish Community—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Florida State Rep. Randy Fine (R), who is the staunchest supporter of Israel, and opponent of antisemitism...

DeSantis Calls for Defunding the United Nations—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Rubio Introduces Flurry of Bills Targeting Hamas, Taliban, Domestic Terrorism, and more—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Accused of 'Dehumanizing' Palestinians, His Bill Combating Hamas Passes House Anyway—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Bilirakis Introduces IPTIA to Amplify Small Media Voices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Rep. Byron Donalds

DeSantis Promises Accountability for 'Covid Authoritarianism' at New Hampshire Town Hall with Ladapo—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis reiterated his promise to hold people accountable for "COVID authoritarianism...

Democrats Split Over Israel while Bipartisan Senate Resolution Against Hamas Gains Traction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- As the Israel-Hamas war rages on and American lawmakers mostly rush to support Israel, divisions have seeped into the Democrat camp.

Donalds Says Cutting IRS Money for Israel 'Makes Most Sense'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—House Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) intend to separate Ukraine funding from Israel aid...

Wasserman Schultz, Elvira Salazar Call on Biden Administration to Address Maduro's Anti-Democratic Practices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies


The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Juice🍊—11.8.2023—FL Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Over Israel War—House Squad Member to Face Censure Vote—More... appeared first on The Floridian.

]]> 0
Juice🍊—11.7.2023—DeSantis Scores Iowa Gov Endorsement—Is DeSantis Legally on the FL Ballot?—More... Tue, 07 Nov 2023 14:24:00 +0000 The FloridianDeSantis Scores Iowa Governor's Endorsement Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) has officially endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for president. The endorsement comes after Gov. Reynolds said that she would remain neutral in the 2024 Republican presidential race....READ MORE But is he on the ballot in Florida legally, or did he make a big mistake while signing? READ MORE Rick Scott- This is […]

The post Juice🍊—11.7.2023—DeSantis Scores Iowa Gov Endorsement—Is DeSantis Legally on the FL Ballot?—More... appeared first on The Floridian.


DeSantis Scores Iowa Governor's Endorsement

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds (R) has officially endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for president. The endorsement comes after Gov. Reynolds said that she would remain neutral in the 2024 Republican presidential race....READ MORE

But is he on the ballot in Florida legally, or did he make a big mistake while signing? READ MORE

Florida International University


Rick Scott- This is INSANE. Biden is complicit as the UN funnels millions of dollars every month into the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan with ZERO guarantee it won’t end up in the hands of terror groups.

If the UN wants to fund terrorism, the U.S. cannot take part.

florida capitol
florida capitol

Florida Legislator Wants Tougher Stance on China from State Department—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Governor Reynolds Officially Endorses DeSantis for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Faces Censure Resolution—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rubio Condemns Political Violence in Honduras—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Set to Endorse DeSantis for President—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Miami Beach Firefighters Head to Israel as First Responders—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Is DeSantis Legally on the Florida Presidential Primary Ballot?—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Miami Trump Voters Voice Support for DeSantis Ahead of GOP Debate—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Dignity Act Gains Significant Congressional Backing—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Rashida Tlaib Releases Video in Support of Palestine, Includes Hamas Rallying Cry—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made headlines after she posted a video calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine...

Wasserman Schultz Condemns Tlaib's Support for Hamas Call to Arms Against Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As anti-Israel protestors continue to condemn the Israeli Defense Force’s military response to the October 7 terrorist attack that left 1,400 Israelis...

DeSantis on Discount at Florida GOP Summit—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Kissimmee—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave arguably his most moving, on-point...

Florida Dentist Arrested for Running a $1.5 Million Medicaid Fraud Scheme—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—There are two people who are probably not smiling today. Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the arrest of a Florida dentist and her husband, a co-owner of a dental practice.

Wasserman Schultz Reluctantly Votes for "Poisoned" Israel Bill, Castor Votes No—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Florida Democrats were split after the House of Representatives passed a funding package for Israel. Most lawmakers on the left side of the aisle like Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL)...

Gimenez Says Border Security Will Only Happen Under New President—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House of Representatives, under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), passed a stand-alone bill giving aid to Israel...

Wasserman Schultz, Diaz-Balart Condemn Bolivia, Colombia, Chile for Cutting Israel Ties—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Israel-Hamas war continues to polarize, not just in the United States but around the world. The South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia...

Florida Congressional Lawmakers React to Hamas' Pledge 'Annihilate' Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—A bipartisan effort within the U.S. Congress, particularly within Florida's congressional delegation...

Florida Democrats Split on Funding for Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Florida Capitol
Florida Capitol

Florida House to Consider Banning Driving on Certain Highway Lanes—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Tallahassee, Fl- Florida House Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R) is leading efforts to ban driving on the furthermost lanes of Florida highways.

DeSantis Takes Aim at Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Shield—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis said he would support changes to the liability shield vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed since 1986 if elected President.

DeSantis Law Enforcement Bonus Program Attracts Officers from All 50 States—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and the State of Florida announced that the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus...

Moskowitz, Mills Team Up to Crack Down on Captagon—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example...

Rick Scott's Bill Fails in Senate, Claims He and His Constituents 'Don't Trust This Process'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Dan Franzese Endorsed by Palm Beach County Republican Assembly—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Senator Scott Endorses Donald Trump for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) has endorsed President Donald Trump (R) for president. Growing support for the 45th president...

DeSantis 'Win, Fight, Lead' Ad Blitz Begins Today in Iowa—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Luna says $40k Check for Biden is 'Smoking Gun'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House Oversight Committee's impeachment inquiry into President Biden has found an explosive new piece of evidence:

Florida Lawmaker Randy Fine Files $35 Million Funding Bill for Jewish Community—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Florida State Rep. Randy Fine (R), who is the staunchest supporter of Israel, and opponent of antisemitism...

DeSantis Calls for Defunding the United Nations—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Rubio Introduces Flurry of Bills Targeting Hamas, Taliban, Domestic Terrorism, and more—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Accused of 'Dehumanizing' Palestinians, His Bill Combating Hamas Passes House Anyway—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Bilirakis Introduces IPTIA to Amplify Small Media Voices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Rep. Byron Donalds

DeSantis Promises Accountability for 'Covid Authoritarianism' at New Hampshire Town Hall with Ladapo—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis reiterated his promise to hold people accountable for "COVID authoritarianism...

Democrats Split Over Israel while Bipartisan Senate Resolution Against Hamas Gains Traction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- As the Israel-Hamas war rages on and American lawmakers mostly rush to support Israel, divisions have seeped into the Democrat camp.

Donalds Says Cutting IRS Money for Israel 'Makes Most Sense'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—House Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) intend to separate Ukraine funding from Israel aid...

Wasserman Schultz, Elvira Salazar Call on Biden Administration to Address Maduro's Anti-Democratic Practices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies

Reps. Mike McCaul and Maria Elvira Salazar

Rep. Jessica Baker Pushes for Stricter Sex Trafficking Laws in Florida—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Salazar Urges Biden Administration to Improve Relations With Paraguay—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) is calling on the Biden administration to improve its relations with Paraguay.

Cammack's Amendment Passes in Energy and Water Appropriations Bill—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In January, Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) introduced her Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS)...

'Bootgate' Takes Social Media by Storm as People Mock DeSantis' Supposed Lifts in His Boots—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Presidential campaign for Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)...

LIV Golf Brings Their Mission to South Florida—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Scott Highlights Terrorists at Border, Demands Security—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—As illegal migrants continue pouring over the southern border and terrorists hide among them...

Donalds to Introduce Bill to Improve Logistics of Search and Rescue Nationwide—By The Floridian's Jackosn Bakich—Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) is set to introduce the GIS Emergency Response Technology Sustainment Act, a bill that would establish the Search...

DeSantis Says he Would've won in 2018 Election Without Trump's Endorsement—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—In a recent interview with entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R)...

Luna Spearheads Effort to Cut Funding to UN Human Rights Council for Hamas Stance—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Scott Reintroduces the PANA Act, Looks to Support the Venezuelan People—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

The Scam of Frivolous Lawsuits—By The Floridian's OPINION


The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Juice🍊—11.7.2023—DeSantis Scores Iowa Gov Endorsement—Is DeSantis Legally on the FL Ballot?—More... appeared first on The Floridian.

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Florida Legislator Wants Tougher Stance on China from State Department Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:12:59 +0000 Florida CapitolTallahassee, Fl- Florida State Representative Juan C. Porras has filed a resolution officially requesting the US State Department denounce China’s military activity in Cuba.  Representative Porras’ resolution urges Secretary of State Anthony Blinken adopt a more confrontational China strategy given the latter’s recent operations in Cuba.  Last June, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) unveiled Chinese […]

The post Florida Legislator Wants Tougher Stance on China from State Department appeared first on The Floridian.


Tallahassee, Fl- Florida State Representative Juan C. Porras has filed a resolution officially requesting the US State Department denounce China’s military activity in Cuba. 

Representative Porras’ resolution urges Secretary of State Anthony Blinken adopt a more confrontational China strategy given the latter’s recent operations in Cuba. 

Last June, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) unveiled Chinese plans to build a military base in Cuba. 

“Most worrying for the US is the planned facility is part of China's project 141-an initiative by the People's Liberation army to expand its global military base and logistical support network,” said the WSJ.

Florida legislators have repeatedly voiced their concerns regarding the national security threat posed by Chinese military presence less than 100 miles from our borders.

China has negated the reports. "I don't know the matter you are talking about. We hope that the relevant parties will focus their energy on things that benefit mutual trust-building," said Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning.

Porras believes the US should “condemn the Chinese Government for establishing a potential base for Chinese troops a mere 90 miles from the United States, a hostile action that threatens our national security.” 

Domestically, Porras also made headlines for breaking from Republican party lines and endorsing former President Donald J. Trump over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for president. 

As reported by The Floridian, Porras was not alone. 

State Senators Debbie Mayfield, Anna Rodriguez, and Ileana Garcia, and State Reps. Webster Barnaby, Jessica Baker, Alina Garcia, Kevin Steele, Mike Beltran, Juan Porras,  and David Borrero, all came off the fence or flipped their support from Gov. DeSantis to President Trump.

The latest polls from 538 show DeSantis trailing Trump by over 20 percentage points in the former’s home state of Florida.

Nationally, DeSantis is still the favorite candidate after Trump, but nonetheless follows him by over 40 percentage points

The post Florida Legislator Wants Tougher Stance on China from State Department appeared first on The Floridian.

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Juice🍊—11.6.2023—Big Show of Support for DeSantis and Trump at GOP Summit—Top FL Democrats Condemns Hamas Call to Arms—More... Mon, 06 Nov 2023 14:13:30 +0000 The FloridianDeSantis Hits Final Stretch in Presidential Campaign His campaign started off with a catastrophic stumble and firings, but even though Gov. Ron DeSantis is trailing former President Donald Trump in all the public opinion polls by "bigly" numbers, he could still be in contention to win the GOP presidential nomination. Maybe. President Trump's support across […]

The post Juice🍊—11.6.2023—Big Show of Support for DeSantis and Trump at GOP Summit—Top FL Democrats Condemns Hamas Call to Arms—More... appeared first on The Floridian.


DeSantis Hits Final Stretch in Presidential Campaign

His campaign started off with a catastrophic stumble and firings, but even though Gov. Ron DeSantis is trailing former President Donald Trump in all the public opinion polls by "bigly" numbers, he could still be in contention to win the GOP presidential nomination.


President Trump's support across the nation is solid, regardless of the indictments and lawsuits,

DeSantis's has been dropping like a rock but shows glimmers of promise.

Now that Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds is set to endorse him, DeSantis's prospects of gaining more traction are pretty good.

This past weekend at the Florida GOP "Freedom Summitt" in Kissimmee, Florida, which just so happens to be done the road from the land of Mickey, who DeSantis has a big beef with, the Republican faithful turned out in big show of support for DeSantis when he addressed the group.

DeSantis's speech was stellar. It hit all the points. First Lady Casey DeSantis's address was also on point.

Now, fast forward about 5 hours later when President Trump showed up to speak, the mood in the room completely changed.

It appeared that Trump's support at the summit was double that of DeSantis's.

The atmosphere was nothing less than electric.

This was a typical Trump-esque indoor rally.

It was obvious that Trump won the day, and many attendees we spoke to said glowing things about both men, but added that the would like to see Trump as President and DeSantis stay as governor, for now.

The sentiment in the room was that they wanted DeSantis to wait it out for 2028.

DeSantis's campaign team is made up of very few veteran consultants, and is comprised of mainly very green, very dumb, and very ignorant staffers, specifically his communications team which is comprised of nitwits that have let their egos get the best of them.

DeSantis's biggest problem is his comms team. They really suck at their jobs, especially his untruthworthy, cowardly, and injection-happy keyboard warriors.

How many stupid mistakes have they make over the past few months? Why haven't them been fired?

That's on DeSantis.

But with all that said, DeSantis needs to have another great debate performance this coming week.

The problem for DeSantis is that Trump is now campaigning and Americans are showing massive support for him.

The polls arent's changing, and now that Florida state lawmakers are flipping their support to Trump (more are expected), things could get tougher for DeSantis before they get easier, if they get easier...READ MORE

Florida International University

Wasserman Schultz Condemns Tlaib's Support for Hamas Call to Arms Against Israel

As anti-Israel protestors continue to condemn the Israeli Defense Force’s military response to the October 7 terrorist attack that left 1,400 Israelis, Americans, and foreign nationals dead, Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s defense of the Hamas “From the river to the sea” call to arms has been denounced by Jewish-American Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D))...READ MORE


Byron Donalds-This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

The American people have a choice between two presidencies, and they’re choosing that of Donald J. Trump’s.

- Lower taxes

- No wars

- Secure border

- Law and order

- A better life

Trump WILL be our NEXT President.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz-The need to protect Jewish American students is dire. This dangerous, horrifying surge in antisemitism should concern ALL members of Congress, regardless of party.

Shevrin “Shev” Jones-Happy Birthday to my amazing former Principal, now Congresswoman, @repwilson! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays and an incredible year ahead! Enjoy your special day to the fullest!

Christian Ziegler -Of all the photos I got with our Presidential, Congressmen and State Leaders…. This one is by far the best, because it was with Sloane Frances!

She asked if she could go on stage, so we made it happen!

Rashida Tlaib Releases Video in Support of Palestine, Includes Hamas Rallying Cry—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) made headlines after she posted a video calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine...

Wasserman Schultz Condemns Tlaib's Support for Hamas Call to Arms Against Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—As anti-Israel protestors continue to condemn the Israeli Defense Force’s military response to the October 7 terrorist attack that left 1,400 Israelis...

DeSantis on Discount at Florida GOP Summit—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Kissimmee—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave arguably his most moving, on-point...

Florida Dentist Arrested for Running a $1.5 Million Medicaid Fraud Scheme—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—There are two people who are probably not smiling today. Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the arrest of a Florida dentist and her husband, a co-owner of a dental practice.

Wasserman Schultz Reluctantly Votes for "Poisoned" Israel Bill, Castor Votes No—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Florida Democrats were split after the House of Representatives passed a funding package for Israel. Most lawmakers on the left side of the aisle like Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL)...

Gimenez Says Border Security Will Only Happen Under New President—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House of Representatives, under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), passed a stand-alone bill giving aid to Israel...

Wasserman Schultz, Diaz-Balart Condemn Bolivia, Colombia, Chile for Cutting Israel Ties—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Israel-Hamas war continues to polarize, not just in the United States but around the world. The South American countries of Bolivia, Colombia...

Florida Congressional Lawmakers React to Hamas' Pledge 'Annihilate' Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—A bipartisan effort within the U.S. Congress, particularly within Florida's congressional delegation...

Florida Democrats Split on Funding for Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Florida Capitol
Florida Capitol

Florida House to Consider Banning Driving on Certain Highway Lanes—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Tallahassee, Fl- Florida House Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R) is leading efforts to ban driving on the furthermost lanes of Florida highways.

DeSantis Takes Aim at Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Shield—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis said he would support changes to the liability shield vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed since 1986 if elected President.

DeSantis Law Enforcement Bonus Program Attracts Officers from All 50 States—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and the State of Florida announced that the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus...

Moskowitz, Mills Team Up to Crack Down on Captagon—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example...

Rick Scott's Bill Fails in Senate, Claims He and His Constituents 'Don't Trust This Process'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Dan Franzese Endorsed by Palm Beach County Republican Assembly—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Senator Scott Endorses Donald Trump for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) has endorsed President Donald Trump (R) for president. Growing support for the 45th president...

DeSantis 'Win, Fight, Lead' Ad Blitz Begins Today in Iowa—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Luna says $40k Check for Biden is 'Smoking Gun'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House Oversight Committee's impeachment inquiry into President Biden has found an explosive new piece of evidence:

Florida Lawmaker Randy Fine Files $35 Million Funding Bill for Jewish Community—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Florida State Rep. Randy Fine (R), who is the staunchest supporter of Israel, and opponent of antisemitism...

DeSantis Calls for Defunding the United Nations—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Rubio Introduces Flurry of Bills Targeting Hamas, Taliban, Domestic Terrorism, and more—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Accused of 'Dehumanizing' Palestinians, His Bill Combating Hamas Passes House Anyway—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Bilirakis Introduces IPTIA to Amplify Small Media Voices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Rep. Byron Donalds

DeSantis Promises Accountability for 'Covid Authoritarianism' at New Hampshire Town Hall with Ladapo—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis reiterated his promise to hold people accountable for "COVID authoritarianism...

Democrats Split Over Israel while Bipartisan Senate Resolution Against Hamas Gains Traction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- As the Israel-Hamas war rages on and American lawmakers mostly rush to support Israel, divisions have seeped into the Democrat camp.

Donalds Says Cutting IRS Money for Israel 'Makes Most Sense'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—House Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) intend to separate Ukraine funding from Israel aid...

Wasserman Schultz, Elvira Salazar Call on Biden Administration to Address Maduro's Anti-Democratic Practices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Reps. Mike McCaul and Maria Elvira Salazar

Rep. Jessica Baker Pushes for Stricter Sex Trafficking Laws in Florida—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Salazar Urges Biden Administration to Improve Relations With Paraguay—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) is calling on the Biden administration to improve its relations with Paraguay.

Cammack's Amendment Passes in Energy and Water Appropriations Bill—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In January, Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) introduced her Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS)...

'Bootgate' Takes Social Media by Storm as People Mock DeSantis' Supposed Lifts in His Boots—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Presidential campaign for Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)...

LIV Golf Brings Their Mission to South Florida—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Scott Highlights Terrorists at Border, Demands Security—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—As illegal migrants continue pouring over the southern border and terrorists hide among them...

Donalds to Introduce Bill to Improve Logistics of Search and Rescue Nationwide—By The Floridian's Jackosn Bakich—Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) is set to introduce the GIS Emergency Response Technology Sustainment Act, a bill that would establish the Search...

DeSantis Says he Would've won in 2018 Election Without Trump's Endorsement—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—In a recent interview with entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R)...

Luna Spearheads Effort to Cut Funding to UN Human Rights Council for Hamas Stance—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Scott Reintroduces the PANA Act, Looks to Support the Venezuelan People—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

The Scam of Frivolous Lawsuits—By The Floridian's OPINION


Latino Lawmakers Respond to Venezuelan Supreme Court Invalidating Opposition Primaries—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Florida Congressman Look to Help Waive Evacuation Fees for Americans Stranded in Israel—By The Floridian's Jim McCool—While support for Israel in their fight against Hamas...

Donalds Asserts Biden and His Foreign Policy Could be 'Compromised'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In an appearance on Fox News, Representative Byron Donalds...

Tlaib Threatens Biden if he Does not Call for Ceasefire—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) continues to attract criticism over her calls for a ceasefire amidst the ongoing war between...

Pushaw, Loomer Display 'Narcissism of Small Differences' in Contentious Trump vs DeSantis Race—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Ever since Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) found the national spotlight during the uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic...

As Trump Continues to Dominate, DeSantis Drops in Polls and Haley Surges—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Political candidates for public office like tell potential donors and voters to dismiss any and al...

Republicans Urge DeSantis to Suspend Presidential bid—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rubio Asks for Preventative Measures After Ransacking of Airport by pro-Palestine Demonstrators—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies


The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Juice🍊—11.6.2023—Big Show of Support for DeSantis and Trump at GOP Summit—Top FL Democrats Condemns Hamas Call to Arms—More... appeared first on The Floridian.

]]> 0
Juice🍊—11.3.2023—Bipartisan Effort in FL to Support Israel—Scott Endorses Trump Over DeSantis—DeSantis Targets Vax Makers—More... Fri, 03 Nov 2023 11:11:27 +0000 The FloridianBipartisan Effort Within Florida's Congressional Delegation to Combat Terrorism Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example, Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) and Cory Mills...READ MORE Marco Rubio-By refusing to enforce the law Biden is encouraging mass migration that is turning America into a refugee […]

The post Juice🍊—11.3.2023—Bipartisan Effort in FL to Support Israel—Scott Endorses Trump Over DeSantis—DeSantis Targets Vax Makers—More... appeared first on The Floridian.


Bipartisan Effort Within Florida's Congressional Delegation to Combat Terrorism

Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example, Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) and Cory Mills...READ MORE

Florida International University


Marco Rubio-By refusing to enforce the law Biden is encouraging mass migration that is turning America into a refugee camp

Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost-With extremists in FL banning books left and right, it was great to chat with leaders from @usedgov , including Asst. Secretary Graham and Dep. Asst. Secretary Nosanchuk.

Books bans are a threat to our kids' education and a threat to democracy. I’m looking forward to working with folks leading the fight against book bans, like Dep. Asst. Sec. Nosanchuk. Together, we’re going to put books back on classroom shelves where they belong!

Rep. Lindsay Cross-I was fortunate to have supportive female bosses and mentors. It was a pleasure to talk w the Business and Professional Women/ St Petersburg- Pinellas chapter today about my work in the legislature & how we can strengthen our business community.

Sen. Jason Pizzo-Thank you @nwfstatecollege Raiders for a wonderful visit - so impressed with the engagement, burgeoning growth, vocation and enthusiasm on campus!

Chip LaMarca-Florida Law Enforcement Recruitment Program Draws New Law Enforcement Officers from All 50 States

Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick-While I unequivocally support security assistance for Israel, House Republicans led by Speaker Johnson put forward an extremist and reckless supplemental package.

Florida Capitol
Florida Capitol

Florida House to Consider Banning Driving on Certain Highway Lanes—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Tallahassee, Fl- Florida House Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka (R) is leading efforts to ban driving on the furthermost lanes of Florida highways.

DeSantis Takes Aim at Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Shield—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis said he would support changes to the liability shield vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed since 1986 if elected President.

DeSantis Law Enforcement Bonus Program Attracts Officers from All 50 States—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and the State of Florida announced that the Law Enforcement Recruitment Bonus...

Moskowitz, Mills Team Up to Crack Down on Captagon—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—Support for Israel in its war with Hamas remains mostly bipartisan amidst other polarizing issues. In a recent example...

Rick Scott's Bill Fails in Senate, Claims He and His Constituents 'Don't Trust This Process'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Dan Franzese Endorsed by Palm Beach County Republican Assembly—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Senator Scott Endorses Donald Trump for President—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) has endorsed President Donald Trump (R) for president. Growing support for the 45th president...

DeSantis 'Win, Fight, Lead' Ad Blitz Begins Today in Iowa—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Luna says $40k Check for Biden is 'Smoking Gun'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The House Oversight Committee's impeachment inquiry into President Biden has found an explosive new piece of evidence:

Florida Lawmaker Randy Fine Files $35 Million Funding Bill for Jewish Community—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Florida State Rep. Randy Fine (R), who is the staunchest supporter of Israel, and opponent of antisemitism...

DeSantis Calls for Defunding the United Nations—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Rubio Introduces Flurry of Bills Targeting Hamas, Taliban, Domestic Terrorism, and more—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Mast Accused of 'Dehumanizing' Palestinians, His Bill Combating Hamas Passes House Anyway—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Bilirakis Introduces IPTIA to Amplify Small Media Voices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Rep. Byron Donalds

DeSantis Promises Accountability for 'Covid Authoritarianism' at New Hampshire Town Hall with Ladapo—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis reiterated his promise to hold people accountable for "COVID authoritarianism...

Democrats Split Over Israel while Bipartisan Senate Resolution Against Hamas Gains Traction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- As the Israel-Hamas war rages on and American lawmakers mostly rush to support Israel, divisions have seeped into the Democrat camp.

Donalds Says Cutting IRS Money for Israel 'Makes Most Sense'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—House Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) intend to separate Ukraine funding from Israel aid...

Wasserman Schultz, Elvira Salazar Call on Biden Administration to Address Maduro's Anti-Democratic Practices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Reps. Mike McCaul and Maria Elvira Salazar

Rep. Jessica Baker Pushes for Stricter Sex Trafficking Laws in Florida—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Salazar Urges Biden Administration to Improve Relations With Paraguay—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) is calling on the Biden administration to improve its relations with Paraguay.

Cammack's Amendment Passes in Energy and Water Appropriations Bill—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In January, Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) introduced her Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS)...

'Bootgate' Takes Social Media by Storm as People Mock DeSantis' Supposed Lifts in His Boots—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Presidential campaign for Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)...

LIV Golf Brings Their Mission to South Florida—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Scott Highlights Terrorists at Border, Demands Security—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—As illegal migrants continue pouring over the southern border and terrorists hide among them...

Donalds to Introduce Bill to Improve Logistics of Search and Rescue Nationwide—By The Floridian's Jackosn Bakich—Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) is set to introduce the GIS Emergency Response Technology Sustainment Act, a bill that would establish the Search...

DeSantis Says he Would've won in 2018 Election Without Trump's Endorsement—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—In a recent interview with entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R)...

Luna Spearheads Effort to Cut Funding to UN Human Rights Council for Hamas Stance—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Scott Reintroduces the PANA Act, Looks to Support the Venezuelan People—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

The Scam of Frivolous Lawsuits—By The Floridian's OPINION


Latino Lawmakers Respond to Venezuelan Supreme Court Invalidating Opposition Primaries—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Florida Congressman Look to Help Waive Evacuation Fees for Americans Stranded in Israel—By The Floridian's Jim McCool—While support for Israel in their fight against Hamas...

Donalds Asserts Biden and His Foreign Policy Could be 'Compromised'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In an appearance on Fox News, Representative Byron Donalds...

Tlaib Threatens Biden if he Does not Call for Ceasefire—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) continues to attract criticism over her calls for a ceasefire amidst the ongoing war between...

Pushaw, Loomer Display 'Narcissism of Small Differences' in Contentious Trump vs DeSantis Race—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Ever since Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) found the national spotlight during the uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic...

As Trump Continues to Dominate, DeSantis Drops in Polls and Haley Surges—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Political candidates for public office like tell potential donors and voters to dismiss any and al...

Republicans Urge DeSantis to Suspend Presidential bid—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rubio Asks for Preventative Measures After Ransacking of Airport by pro-Palestine Demonstrators—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies

border wall
border wall

Border Crisis: More Venezuelans Than Mexicans Crossing Over Due to Economic Sanctions—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Venezuelans now surpass Mexicans as the largest nationality,,,

Bilirakis, Lawmakers Condemn Turkey's Erdogan for Pro-Hamas Comments—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—It seems as though everybody wants to express sympathy for the Hamas terror group, even in the face of the atrocities...

The Ron DeSantis vs Randy Fine Public Fight Gets Ugly on National TV—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—The gloves have come off between Governor Ron DeSantis and State Rep. Randy Fine (R) as both men...

DeSantis Releases his 'Rings of Fire' Foreign Policy Plan—By The Floridian's Jim McCool—In a speech at the Heritage Foundation, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) unveiled his foreign policy plans as president that he said will...

DeSantis Opposes Red Flag Laws—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Cruz and Scott Move to Prevent U.S. Support for IMF Funding of Hamas, China, and Others—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Gimenez Wants Answers Regarding 17 Chinese Nationals Apprehended in his District—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) has issued...

Mast Questions Legitimacy of State Department's Disinformation Task Force—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—During a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing on Oversight & Accountability...

Mills Evacuates Another Large Group of Americans Trapped in Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Two weeks after he helped evacuate 98 Americans out of war-torn Israel...

Gutmann Challenge Against Democrat Frankel Puts her at Risk, Population Growth and Liberal Pro-Palestinian Radicals Put Florida CD 22 in Play—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Rubio and Co. Introduce Bill Looking to Curb Child Labor—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Steube Introduces Clean Up DEBRIS Act to assist in Post-Disaster Recovery—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Byron Donalds Zealously Supports Censure of Rashida Tlaib—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Scott on Censuring Rashida Tlaib, 'If You Support Hamas, You Shouldn't Be in Congress'—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Salazar Warns of Honduran President’s Socialist Influence—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Waltz Asks Senate not to ‘Play Politics’ with Critical Aid—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Juice🍊—11.3.2023—Bipartisan Effort in FL to Support Israel—Scott Endorses Trump Over DeSantis—DeSantis Targets Vax Makers—More... appeared first on The Floridian.

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Juice🍊—11.2.2023—DeSantis Big Campaign Promises—Targeting Dictator Maduro in Venezuela—More... Thu, 02 Nov 2023 11:04:30 +0000 The FloridianDeSantis Makes More Big Campaign Promises Running a distant second place to former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican Presidential primary sweepstakes, Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to make big and bold campaign promises to Americans about what he would do if they elected him president. The promises are what Americans want to hear, but […]

The post Juice🍊—11.2.2023—DeSantis Big Campaign Promises—Targeting Dictator Maduro in Venezuela—More... appeared first on The Floridian.


DeSantis Makes More Big Campaign Promises

Running a distant second place to former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican Presidential primary sweepstakes, Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to make big and bold campaign promises to Americans about what he would do if they elected him president.

The promises are what Americans want to hear, but can he deliver? READ MORE

Florida International University


Shevrin “Shev” Jones-The firearm mortality rate has been higher under Gov. @RonDeSantis administration than it has been under prior administrations.

Casey DeSantis-Biden is pushing the WHO’s lockdown treaty.

As president, @RonDeSantis will never let this happen: “I will throw it in the trashcan where it belongs.”

Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost-CENTRAL FLORIDA: Open enrollment is here! Affordable, reliable coverage is available. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, 4 out of 5 Americans can find plans for less than $10 a month! Don't wait - enroll by December 15 for 2024 coverage!

Jeanette Nuñez-I was blessed to visit and meet some of Florida’s seniors at the Central Citrus Community Senior Center with @elderaffairs

Secretary Branham and Senator Ingoglia. @GovRonDeSantis and I continue to put our seniors first to ensure that Florida supports and prioritizes their needs.

Rep. Byron Donalds

DeSantis Promises Accountability for 'Covid Authoritarianism' at New Hampshire Town Hall with Ladapo—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson—Governor Ron DeSantis reiterated his promise to hold people accountable for "COVID authoritarianism...

Democrats Split Over Israel while Bipartisan Senate Resolution Against Hamas Gains Traction—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont—Washington, D.C.- As the Israel-Hamas war rages on and American lawmakers mostly rush to support Israel, divisions have seeped into the Democrat camp.

Donalds Says Cutting IRS Money for Israel 'Makes Most Sense'—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—House Republicans under Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) intend to separate Ukraine funding from Israel aid...

Wasserman Schultz, Elvira Salazar Call on Biden Administration to Address Maduro's Anti-Democratic Practices—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Reps. Mike McCaul and Maria Elvira Salazar

Rep. Jessica Baker Pushes for Stricter Sex Trafficking Laws in Florida—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Salazar Urges Biden Administration to Improve Relations With Paraguay—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) is calling on the Biden administration to improve its relations with Paraguay.

Cammack's Amendment Passes in Energy and Water Appropriations Bill—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In January, Representative Kat Cammack (R-FL) introduced her Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS)...

'Bootgate' Takes Social Media by Storm as People Mock DeSantis' Supposed Lifts in His Boots—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—The Presidential campaign for Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)...

LIV Golf Brings Their Mission to South Florida—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

Scott Highlights Terrorists at Border, Demands Security—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—As illegal migrants continue pouring over the southern border and terrorists hide among them...

Donalds to Introduce Bill to Improve Logistics of Search and Rescue Nationwide—By The Floridian's Jackosn Bakich—Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) is set to introduce the GIS Emergency Response Technology Sustainment Act, a bill that would establish the Search...

DeSantis Says he Would've won in 2018 Election Without Trump's Endorsement—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—In a recent interview with entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R)...

Luna Spearheads Effort to Cut Funding to UN Human Rights Council for Hamas Stance—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Scott Reintroduces the PANA Act, Looks to Support the Venezuelan People—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

The Scam of Frivolous Lawsuits—By The Floridian's OPINION


Latino Lawmakers Respond to Venezuelan Supreme Court Invalidating Opposition Primaries—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Florida Congressman Look to Help Waive Evacuation Fees for Americans Stranded in Israel—By The Floridian's Jim McCool—While support for Israel in their fight against Hamas...

Donalds Asserts Biden and His Foreign Policy Could be 'Compromised'—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—In an appearance on Fox News, Representative Byron Donalds...

Tlaib Threatens Biden if he Does not Call for Ceasefire—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D) continues to attract criticism over her calls for a ceasefire amidst the ongoing war between...

Pushaw, Loomer Display 'Narcissism of Small Differences' in Contentious Trump vs DeSantis Race—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Ever since Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) found the national spotlight during the uncertainty of the Coronavirus pandemic...

As Trump Continues to Dominate, DeSantis Drops in Polls and Haley Surges—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Political candidates for public office like tell potential donors and voters to dismiss any and al...

Republicans Urge DeSantis to Suspend Presidential bid—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Rubio Asks for Preventative Measures After Ransacking of Airport by pro-Palestine Demonstrators—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies

border wall
border wall

Border Crisis: More Venezuelans Than Mexicans Crossing Over Due to Economic Sanctions—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Venezuelans now surpass Mexicans as the largest nationality,,,

Bilirakis, Lawmakers Condemn Turkey's Erdogan for Pro-Hamas Comments—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich—It seems as though everybody wants to express sympathy for the Hamas terror group, even in the face of the atrocities...

The Ron DeSantis vs Randy Fine Public Fight Gets Ugly on National TV—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—The gloves have come off between Governor Ron DeSantis and State Rep. Randy Fine (R) as both men...

DeSantis Releases his 'Rings of Fire' Foreign Policy Plan—By The Floridian's Jim McCool—In a speech at the Heritage Foundation, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) unveiled his foreign policy plans as president that he said will...

DeSantis Opposes Red Flag Laws—By The Floridian's Chris Nelson

Cruz and Scott Move to Prevent U.S. Support for IMF Funding of Hamas, China, and Others—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Gimenez Wants Answers Regarding 17 Chinese Nationals Apprehended in his District—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) has issued...

Mast Questions Legitimacy of State Department's Disinformation Task Force—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—During a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee Hearing on Oversight & Accountability...

Mills Evacuates Another Large Group of Americans Trapped in Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Two weeks after he helped evacuate 98 Americans out of war-torn Israel...

Gutmann Challenge Against Democrat Frankel Puts her at Risk, Population Growth and Liberal Pro-Palestinian Radicals Put Florida CD 22 in Play—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Rubio and Co. Introduce Bill Looking to Curb Child Labor—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Steube Introduces Clean Up DEBRIS Act to assist in Post-Disaster Recovery—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Byron Donalds Zealously Supports Censure of Rashida Tlaib—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Scott on Censuring Rashida Tlaib, 'If You Support Hamas, You Shouldn't Be in Congress'—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres

Salazar Warns of Honduran President’s Socialist Influence—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Waltz Asks Senate not to ‘Play Politics’ with Critical Aid—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

anna eskamani
anna eskamani

Eskamani Doubles Down on Gun Restrictions, Files Bill to Ban AR-15s—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Tallahassee, Fl- Florida House Representative Anna Eskamani (D-Orlando) has filed a bill to ban any future sales of ‘assault weapons’ in Florida.

Bean Reintroduces the Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Representative Aaron Bean (R-FL) is looking for co-sponsors for his bipartisan Missing Children’s...

Donalds Calls Out DOJ Double-Standard for Republicans—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL) was questioned by reporters outside the Capitol...

DeSantis Sends Weapons, Ammo, and Body Armor to Israel—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Once again, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has put his money where his mouth...

Waltz Discusses US Slow-Rolling Israel's Gaza Invasion—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakich

Democrats Look to Combat E-Cigarette Epidemic, Reintroduce Youth Prevention Initiative—By The Floridian's Mateo Guillamont

Scott Says Americans Need to be Armed In Case of a Terrorist Attack—By The Floridian's Javier Manjarres—Israel's ground invasion of Gaza continues to be put off so the United States can send additional air defense systems and secure...

Luna Says ‘America won’ With Johnson as Speaker—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

DeSantis Releases Florida Israel Rescue Plan—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich

Lee Questions Masih Alinejad on Threat of Iran—By The Floridian's Grayson Bakioch

American Lawmakers Demand 'Overwhelming' Military Force Against Iran if They Attack U.S.—By The Floridian's Jim McCool

The JUICE is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Juice🍊—11.2.2023—DeSantis Big Campaign Promises—Targeting Dictator Maduro in Venezuela—More... appeared first on The Floridian.

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Last Squeeze🍊—11.1.2023—Antisemitism on the Rise in America, Democratic Party— More... Thu, 02 Nov 2023 03:20:07 +0000 The Floridian  Have a tip, story, new job, or announcement for The JUICE?  Reach out: Antisemitism on the Rise in America Democrats will tell you that it's Republicans spewing antisemitic hate, but considering that the Progressive Democratic "Squad" in the House of Representatives is leading the anti-Israel charge, the fingers are now pointing at Democrats as […]

The post Last Squeeze🍊—11.1.2023—Antisemitism on the Rise in America, Democratic Party— More... appeared first on The Floridian.



Have a tip, story, new job, or announcement for The JUICE?  Reach out:

Antisemitism on the Rise in America

Democrats will tell you that it's Republicans spewing antisemitic hate, but considering that the Progressive Democratic "Squad" in the House of Representatives is leading the anti-Israel charge, the fingers are now pointing at Democrats as being the problem. Antisemitism is on the rise..READ MORE


Congressman Greg Steube- Americans do not want the IRS as their accountant. A government-run tax prep system is a bad idea and a massive conflict of interest for an agency that is already weaponized against hard-working Americans.

Florida International University

Governor Ron DeSantis
Governor Ron DeSantis

Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after...

Trump Calls DeSantis ‘a Wounded Bird’—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina—President Donald Trump (R) posted a series of videos this week on social media, slamming the media...

Justices Thomas and Alito to be Subpoenaed—By The Floridian's Joshua Smith—Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas (R) and Samuel Alito (R) have come under increasing scrutiny for their acceptance of undisclosed lavish gifts from wealthy donors. Now, documents from the various donors are scheduled to be subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Moskowitz Reacts to Prevalent Anti-Semitism in the U.S.—By The Floridian's Jackson Bakich—Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) appeared on CNN...

Blinken Weighs Reimposing Sanctions on Venezuela after Inquiry by Rubio—By The Floridian's Daniel Molina

Cavalry Strategies



The Last Squeeze is squeezed by Javier Manjarres, Jim McCool, and Daniel Molina

The post Last Squeeze🍊—11.1.2023—Antisemitism on the Rise in America, Democratic Party— More... appeared first on The Floridian.

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Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions Wed, 01 Nov 2023 19:57:03 +0000 Marco rubioFlorida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela.

The post Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions appeared first on The Floridian.


Florida Republicans are calling on the Biden administration to reimpose sanctions against Venezuela. The calls come after Venezuela did not hold up their end of the bargain by hosting free and fair elections.

Lawmakers were divided about easing sanctions against Venezuela. While Democrats embraced the Biden administration’s decision, Republicans warned that Venezuela would not hold up its end of the bargain.

During a hearing wherein Secretary of State Antony Blinken was questioned about reimposing sanctions against Venezuela, Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) explained the situation,

“we recently did a deal with the Maduro regime in Venezuela in which we lifted sanctions in exchange for free and fair elections that they were supposed to comply with. It’s taken them two weeks now. They have violated that. They cancelled the opposition’s primary election and continue to ban the winner of that election,” Rubio detailed, asking if the United States would be reimposing sanctions.

In response, Secretary Blinken noted that if the Maduro regime has violated the agreement, the Biden administration is prepared to reimpose the sanctions that were lifted.

Florida Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (R) is similarly demanding that the Biden administration reimpose the sanctions. This week, she sounded the alarm by sending a letter to President Joe Biden (D), arguing that “Dictator Nicolas Maduro wants to handpick an opposition candidate that is not a threat to him.”

“This is a clear breach of the agreement reached on the 17th of October in Barbados which you facilitated,” Salazar added, writing that Biden “must keep the agreement and reimpose sanctions.”

“Maduro has broken the letter and spirit of the agreement reached with the opposition and which you helped facilitate,” Salazar writes in the letter, expressing that “the concessions you made to the dictatorship, including lifting of sanctions on PDVSA, must be immediately rescinded and new coercive measures must be placed on the table.”

The post Republicans Urge Biden to Reimpose Venezuelan Sanctions appeared first on The Floridian.

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