Rick Scott Condemns Talib's Anti-Israel Event Inside Capitol

Rick Scott Condemns Talib's Anti-Israel Event Inside Capitol

Rick Scott doubles down on supporting the state of Israel

Jim McCool
Jim McCool
May 11, 2023

Despite numerous attempts to block it, US Rep. Rashida Talib (R-MN) hosted an antisemitic, anti-Israel event on Capitol Hill with the blessing of Senate leadership.  US Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has condemned Senate Majority Schumer for allowing the "Israel Catastrophe" event to take place.

Rep. Talib hosted the event in Washington D.C. this week called, "Nakba 75," translated to, "Israel Catastrophe."  The event decried the founding of Israel.   While Kevin McCarthy originally denied the usage of the House of Representatives for the event, US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) allowed the group to use his committee room.

Florida Senator Rick Scott has a strong history of supporting Jewish Communities in Florida, as well as acting to strengthen the state of Israel.  The Florida Senator responded to the event in a statement.

“Chuck Schumer’s decision to allow Bernie Sanders to host Rashida Tliab’s hateful, antisemitic event in the HELP Committee room is disgusting. The Left is showing Americans very clearly that they do not care about Israel. It is a truly sad day for our country when Democrats so blatantly turn their backs on Jewish Americans by uniting around an antisemite who not only spreads hate but actively uses her position as a member of Congress to advance an ugly agenda with the purpose of degrading our special relationship and strong alliance with Israel. Every Democrat must condemn Chuck Schumer’s decision to be complicit in spreading antisemitic hate. We will not forget or forgive this disgraceful bigotry.”

Last year Scott slammed the entire "Squad" for anti-Israel legislation, which also bore the name of Nakba.  This bill would have condemned the founding of Israel.  Scott at the time responded to the Squad by doubling down on America's friendship with Israel, "Israel is our great ally & the continued anti-Semitism from radical socialists in the House is horrific."

This is not the first time Tlaib has been called out for condoning antisemitism. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) has called Tlaib's past anti-Israel rhetoric "shameful and dangerous.

"The outrageous progressive litmus test on Israel by @RashidaTlaib is nothing short of antisemitic. Proud progressives do support Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state. Suggesting otherwise is shameful and dangerous. Divisive rhetoric does not lead to peace," stated Rep. Wasserman Schultz.

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Jim McCool

Jim McCool

Jim is a graduate of Florida State University where he studied Political Science, Religion and Criminology. He has been a reporter for the Floridian since January of 2021 and will start law school in 2024.

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