Powell’s Student Loan Forgiveness Policy Under Fire, Qualified as “Out of Touch”

Powell’s Student Loan Forgiveness Policy Under Fire, Qualified as “Out of Touch”

Mateo Guillamont
Mateo Guillamont
October 6, 2023

Miami, Fl- Former Congresswoman Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s comments regarding student loan cancellations have recently come under scrutiny given her reported lavish lifestyle. 

Mucarsel-Powell is challenging Florida Senator Rick Scott (R) in the upcoming 2024 general elections. 

In 2019, Powell complained about student loans and her struggle to pay them off as she alleges to continue having to pay them off even to this day.

“I’m still paying my student loans, so is my husband, my sister and close friends. We must tackle #StudentDebt & make education affordable,” said Powell.  


However, reports alleging Powell’s high earnings and multi-million dollar home have depicted her as amassing her own personal wealth while seeking to benefit from taxpayer dollars.

Powell, who in 2020 failed to win re-election as a Democrat in the US House of Representatives, is married to attorney Robert Powell, who worked for firms owned by Ukranian billionaire Ilhor Kolomoisky.

Senator Scott has criticized Powell, saying his opponent “wants nurses, construction workers and teachers in Florida to pay off her student loans while she lives in a multi-million-dollar house.”

"DMP is out-of-touch and Floridians are taking note,” continued Scott.

Powell has shot back, calling Scott a “fraud” for medicare transactions he was allegedly involved in during his time as Senator. 

Back in August, The Floridian Publisher Javier Manjarres met with Scott at he 2024 Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to discuss his upcoming reelection campaign as well as his new challenger from Rep. Mucarsel-Powell.

Scott questioned Manjarres'  depictions that Powell was a centrist. 

“Centrist? That was only for the campaign. Not when [she] voted. She voted 100% with Nancy Pelosi. So, that story, that’s just for the campaign,” said Scott.

Last month, Powell announced fellow Democrat Representatives’ endorsements of her campaign. 

Powell touted endorsements from Florida Democrat Representatives such as Maxwell Frost or Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who Scott’s team quickly classified as “radical Democrats.” 


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Mateo Guillamont

Mateo Guillamont

Mateo is a Miami-based political reporter covering national and local politics

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