Mills Says Timing of Trump Indictments is Intentional

Mills Says Timing of Trump Indictments is Intentional

Grayson Bakich
Grayson Bakich
August 3, 2023

Former President Donald Trump received a third indictment the day after Hunter Biden's former business associate Devon Archer gave his closed-door testimony. Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) appeared on Fox Business's Mornings with Maria noting that the timing of these indictments and subsequent court dates are deliberate, preventing Trump from campaigning and covering up the alleged crimes of the Bidens.

"Each time that there has been a new investigation or a new hearing, or Federal document 1023 released, they immediately go ahead and try to burn up a media cycle to cover down the Biden crime family. But now we are seeing where there is a continual weaponization by the Department of Justice, by [Attorney General] and the Biden Administration to try and go after their political opponents. At this point, it is hard to ignore that this is anything other than election interference," said Rep. Mills.

He pointed out that Special Counsel Jack Smith's charge of "conspiracy to defraud the United States," claiming Trump has knowingly made false statements about the supposed stealing of the 2020 Election could apply equally to 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and 2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams, who both claimed their respective elections were stolen despite evidence to the contrary. "So where are their indictments?" Rep. Mills asked.

The Washington Examiner's Kaylee McGhee White, who sat on the Mornings panel during the broadcast, noted the court dates for Trump's hush money case involving former adult actress Stormy Daniels and a pyramid scheme suit are scheduled close to Super Tuesday, asking Mills if this is to prevent Trump from campaigning.

"That is exactly what the point is," answered Mills, "but not just to prevent campaigning, but preventing the ability to debate presenting."

Additionally, Mills said each of these cases has a gag order attached, which he called "more of a criminal penalty than the actual charge itself," because not being able to answer questions about the cases would make Trump look guilty by association.

Finally, Mike Baker, another panelist for the broadcast, asked what Republicans should do now against the Biden Administration. Mills answered that an impeachment inquiry against President Biden and Merrick Garland was more than ready to be launched, saying there was enough evidence necessary, adding that "It is time for us as Republicans to get on message, get unified. Start governing and stop saying we are in the majority and start acting like the majority."

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Grayson Bakich

Grayson Bakich

Florida born and raised, Grayson Bakich is a recent recipient of a Master’s Degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida. His thesis examined recent trends in political polarization and how this leads into justification of violence.

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